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Next Coffee Morning
Sat - 1st Feb
All Saints Church
All Welcome

Church Services are listed
on the Church Page

Currently there is no Vehicle access to or from Selborne Road to Farringdon via Gaston Lane,
due to the Bridge Closure.
(Still No Confirmed Date for reopening)

Gaston Lane closure approaching a year - Updated 7th January 2025

Later this month we reach the 1st Anniversary of the Gaston Lane Closure. We won't be celebrating this event as the road was supposed to be reopened at the end of Summer 2024 but plans seem to be at a Halt at the moment with no activity at the site and no news of a brand new bridge which was an apparently deemed an essential requirement to reopen the road.

In a response to an enquiry from Farringdon Parish Council Chair, Denise Maughan in May last year, Hampshires Head of Universal Services, Mr Nick Adams King, indicated that . .

" . .The road will remain closed until the culvert is fully replaced. Unfortunately, the estimated completion date will not be known until the box unit / culvert manufacturer provides estimated delivery dates.

Current thinking is that the road will re-open towards the end of summer” (2024) . . ." !! . . . more

Over 65's Christmas Party - Updated 11th December 2024

With all the complications from power cuts, low power and enough wind to blow everything away, the Over-Sixty Fives Christmas Dinner planned for the evening of Monday 9th was looking a bit dubious at lunchtime on the day. . . more



Problem on Brightstone Lane - Updated 27th November 2024

The old Railway Bridge in Brightstone is always susceptible to heavy rain and, following last night's storm it was no surprise to find over 5 feet of water between the buttresses of the dismantled railway bridge. However, locals were surprised to find someone standing on the roof of a van, which was almost completely submerged in the centre of the bridge . . more

Outline permission for NEW Farringdon Village Hall - Updated 29th October 2024

New Hall

The South Downs Planning Committee have, at long last, granted outline permission for a New Village Hall on the site to the North of the Royal Oak alongside the A32.

There will still have to be approval of the drainage system, building etc and other construction details but at least the planning can now proceed on to the construction phase and, of course, raising finance to construct and create a new Village Hall for Farringdon.

So don't expect to see the New Hall for some while!

still no village hall decision from Southdowns planning– Updated 17th October 2024

(Much to my surprise,about a week after posting this article, SDNP eventually approved outline permission for the New Village Hall!)
Amended Village Hall plans still awaiting Planning Permission . . . but first, for any of those new residents who may not be aware of the story so far, a brief recap of the long running“Farringdon Village Hall Saga”. . . more

Farringdon Garden Club Summers Show - Updated 19th Sept 2024

hort show 24

Last Saturday, the 21st of September, the Farringdon Garden Club held their Show in the Church where the village gardeners old and showed off their produce, blooms, flower arrangements, domestic skills,photography and hobbies . . . more


Macmillan Cancer Support - Updated 13th Sep 2024

MacmillanThis Year, on Saturday 5th October, the Farringdon Monthly Village Coffee morning is Uniting with the Macmillan Coffee Morning Team to raise as much money as they can for this very deserving Charity.

Donations of Cakes, Produce, Raffle prizes and Gifts would be very much appreciated.

More detailed information on the event and who is dealing with what can be found on the Church Page


Farringdon Onion Challenge weigh-in - Updated 8th September 2024

CongratulationsThe annual Farringdon Onion Challenge Weigh-in was held on Saturday (7th Sep) evening at the Thatched Cottage,

David Horton cannot thank you enough for the splendid turnout last evening for the grand weigh in. The array of onions was to be congratulated and my congratulations to everybody for their amazing Onions

The array of onions was to be congratulated and my congratulations to Sue and Keith Harrison for their 1.898kg whopper and winning the superb onion trophy.(see right)


Top 6 Results:
1 Sue & Keith Harrison 1.898  
2 Ian Dussek


3 Jenny Thompson 1.850  
4 Dave Mattey 1.571  
5 Wendy Crozier 1.487  
6 David Horton 1.208  
7 Nick Rowe 1.081  


Lych Gate track now rebuilt - Updated 3rd August 2024

Lych 2


The track adjacent to the Church Lych Gate has now been refurbished and provides a safe and secure access the Church.

With care this repair should last some years and make the life of Funeral Directors and Wedding Organisers much easier in the future.

Until the grass (which is apparently accompanied by some flower seeds!) is well established, please keep to the Gravel Track and observe the newly posted speed limit!






GENERAL ELECTION Results East Hants - Updated 5th July 2024

The General Election was held on Thursday 4th July and Damien Hinds retained his seat in our constituency with a reduced Majority of 1,275

Labour has won overall with a large Majority.


On Sunday, 9th June 2024, the Farringdon Garden Club and Artists Open Studios organised a combined event, Studios were been open all week but on Sunday 9th they were open from 11am -5pm and the Gardens were Open from 2.00 –5.00pm.

At the various Open Studios there were paintings, pottery and crafts and In the Church there were exhibitions of crafts and village history.

11 Village gardens were open, two of which open regularly under the National Garden Scheme (NGS), as well as The Village Community Garden. Plant Sales & Open Studios locations and a Classic Car Display at Hall Farm

Funds raised from ticket sales etc. will be distributed in aid of Cardiac Rehab, Alton Food Bank and All Saints Church Fabric Fund. . . . Club Report on The Garden Club Page

Farringdon Parish Clerk Resigns - Updated 23rd May 2024

There is yet another vacancy on the Farringdon Parish Council, following the resignation of Gary Lyle, the Parish Clerk (Since replaced by Debbie Batley 1st Sept 2024), to add to the two existing vacancies for Parish Councillors.

A full job description of the post is available on the Parish Council Website

Please Note that future Parish Council meetings will be held in the Royal Oak Function Room, hopefully with an active Internet Link !!!

nd requirements but if you are interested please contact Parish Council Chair: Denise Maughan for more information.


GASTON LANE BRIDGE update - Updated 20th May 2024

Road ClosedFinally there is some sort of plan to enable the reopening of Gaston Lane, but don't get too excited as it won't happen very quickly!

Apparently the current plan is to replace the current brick culvert with concrete box sections. (Hopefully a slghtly wider bridge that he current one!)

First they have to get the Environment Experts to agree a higher maximum water flow rate is acceptable, which might take some time, Then, assuming approval is granted, the contractors have to construct the appropriate concrete box sections and other fitments.

Once this is complete a construction team has to be assembled to dig out the old brick culvert and install the new concrete sections and restore the road surface.

Unless a certain amount of urgency is injected the whole process could take some time, although, currently no proposed completion dates have so far been offered.

I just hope it's finished before Santa Claus comes hammering down there with a herd of Reindeer and a loaded Sled!


David Horton now has 90 odd special onion competition plants that are ready for your collection and planting out. Good healthy plants that should give you all great results. You can have 4 at no cost to you. May have to negotiate if you want more!

Currently 20 growers have volunteered and David would like you to collect your Onions to clear some space and there are still a few plants spare if anyone else fancies trying to grow a giant!!!

PresentationThey can be collected any day this week except Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Any other day looks good for you to call by.

Also one request for any square plastic pots that you do not need as David would be happy to have them as he has run out after potting all this years plants on.

Also he has quite a lot of small onion plants that need pricking out and potting on so you could grow some more just for cooking.

I also has (as usual!) rather a lot of Tomato plants ready for planting in your greenhouse at the bargain price of £1.50 each. PS: the onion plants are free.

Very best wishes and may the best onion be a whopper this year!

Just a picture reminder from September last year, with the Late Phyllis Watts presenting the trophy.

The 2022 winning entry from Peter and Louise Bolton, weighed in at 2.948kg so will somebody break the 3kg barrier this year??

PLANNING MEETING TUESDAY 23RD - Updated 16th April 2024

Farringdon Parish Council have scheduled a Planning Meeting for Tuesday 23rd April at 7pm in All Saints Church. There are three applications to be discussed: SDNP/22/05319/CND and SDNP/22/05320/CND (revised applications for the redevelopment of Farringdon Folly) and SDNP/23/03358/FUL (a pipeline application for the flood alleviation scheme) more details in the Agenda (loads a new page)

YELLOW LINES REPAINTED - Updated 26th March 2024

Yellow linesThe long continuing argument over the yellow lines around the Rose and Crown Junction in Upper Farringdon has been fired up again following the recent repainting of the lines.

Logically they shouldn't be necessary on a Junction but vehicle parking for locals and the occasional inconsiderate Pub Customer can cause severe problems at busy times.

The situation was not helped when the house was built opposite the pub and the bank pushed out into the road reducing the width, which makes it almost impossible to get larger vehicles past when a car is parked there.

Theere was a campaign to post lines and this is the result, but the real problem is that for some unknown reason the lines are painted across the entrance to The Drift, on the junction next to the pub and if the occupants happens to be unloading their car the Traffic Herbert is called and applies a sticker fine to the window to their endless joy and happiness!! Maybe the Highways Authority can be persuaded to find a solution that pleases every body but I don't hold out much hope!!!

Groundwater Level Risen slightly, but borehole level has settled - Updated 24th March 2024

The Groundwater levels in the Farringdon Borehole have, currentlty just under the 117M level although water is still standing in gardens and house cellars especially in Lower Farringdon areas adjacent to the A32.

Bear in mind that at this level water can be quite deep and cold in places and hollows and possibly contaminated so you are advised to keep children etc clear of the of any flooded areas.

Water levels on the Old Shirnall Meadows site to the South of Post Office seem to be settling well below the point where water begins to flood the A32.but has reached the drain grid (arrowed - below left) but roads around the Post Office Cross Roads and the lane to Upper Farringdon (below Right) are currently well above the flood level.











Chase View 23rdSaturday morning (23rd Mar) shows water level a few inches above the base level of the car park but seems to have stopped rising!

So it is fingers crossed for the next couple of weeks that the level doesn't start rising again

A pdf information booklet on Floods and Flooding can be dowloaded from the Parish Council Website (Loads on a Fresh Page) and more information and advice can be found gathered on the FPC website under "Flooding" in the Our Village section (Also Loads on a Fresh Page)This image of the lay-by behind Chase View

(Note:Sandbags are no longer available from Hampshire Council. They can be locally sourced from builders merchants for personal filling!!)


GeoffROYAL OAK NOW REOPENED - Updated 15th March 2024

Barry Pethers, (right) the new Landlord of the Royal Oak, (formerly the Golden Pheasant) in Lower Farringdon has re-opened the Pub to customers, If the Face looks familiar, some years ago Barry was the Landlord of the Star in Bentworth before returning to the pub trade here in Farringdon.

Over the last few weeks Barry has been redecorating the Pub, replacing windows and setting up the Cellar and Bar and associated fittings to welcome his new customers to the pub on Friday

The Pub will be a Free House with a wide selection of beers, lagers and Cider on offer and a reasonably priced traditional menu for customers.

There will be regular Live Music from Groups and Soloists on Friday Nights and plans are in hand for open session nights on Wednesday evenings.

The Function Room has been cleared and will soon be decorated and recarpeted and availble for use.



The New Village Hall Charity Members held their General Meeting on Wed 6th March - at 7pm - in All Saints Church where they will elect to fill the remaining officer vacancies to the Committee.

Trustee voting slips have been delivered to Members and completed slips can be handed in at the Meeting or, If unable to attend, the completed slips can be delivered to to any of the following before 12.00 on Wednesday 6th March:

Andy Clegg . . . . 22 Shirnall Meadow Lower Farringdon
John Hustler . . . .Penny Cottage Crows Lane Upper Farringdon
John Constable . Forge Barn Shirnall Hill Upper Farringdon

Votes will be submitted to an Independently scrutinised count from which the remaining Trustees will be appointed.

The Remainder of meeting will be update on immediate actions and decisions required and the opportunity for Trustees to receive direct views from members. More information and submitted Candidate Details on the Vilage Hall Charity Website


PlantersHEDGEROW IS PLANTED IN THE VILLAGE GARDEN - Updated 28th Febuary 2024

The Village Garden adjacent to Parsonage Close now has a newly planted hedgerow supplied by Mill Farm Trees (Funded by the Farringdon Parish Council) with an additional batch from the Petersfield Climate action network.sourced by Penny Cushing.

Mark Loxton, Sue Rodgers, Stephanie McCarthy and Penny Cushing (not in these views as she was behind the camera) were in action last Sunday planting the new hedgerow around the Garden.

As the weather improves (we are all in hope!) the plants will burst into leaf and provide a new green boundary line in the future,

Thanks to all involved for their efforts! . . . . (More Pictures on the Garden Club Page)



An order has been placed to plant a hedgerow around the Village Garden adjacent to Parsonage Close. Funded by the Farringdon Parish Council the hedge plants have been sourced from Mill Farm Trees with an additional batch from the Petersfield Climate action network.sourced by Penny Cushing.

Mark Loxton and Sue Rodgers  will be there on the Friday 23rd Feb, when the plants are due to arrive, to start the preparation work. and Hedge Planting is planned for Sunday 25th.

The Gardeners would appreciate any help, including children, on either day.

Penny will be there on Sunday from 10am when the planting will take place. Stephanie and Mark Loxton will be there on Friday from 2.00pm onwards to organise the preparation works again help welcome.

There will be a few trowels available, but if you have one please bring it with you for the Sunday planting and a spade for the preparation on Friday ( Please ensure they are securely labelled or they may walk away!).

the Golden  Pheasant- now, once again,the Royal oak - Updated 30th Januuary 2024

The Golden PheasantDavid and Mel are no longer in the Golden Pheasant and have settled in Petersfield, following the closure of the pub in December.

A new tenant is apparently going to rent the Pub which will, re-open as the Royal Oak (the original name of the Golden Pheasant) sometime in the near future.

We can only hope the Royal Oak does reopen, and remain open so that Farringdon residents, and visitors, can enjoy both of our excellent Village Inns.


FARRINGDON GARDEN CLUB UPDATE - Updated 24th January 2024

A belated happy new year to everyone. Our new committee have recently met to discuss roles, responsibilities and events for the coming year, and wanted to share this information with you. . . . more


NEW C.I.O. Village Hall Committee approved - Updated 21st January 2024

The Charity Commision have approved the formation of a new Village Hall Charity Commitee incorporating Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) rules. In essence this protects Members of the Charity from excessive personal liability in their organisation and limits the amount that can be reclaimed, providing they haven't been involved in any dubious or illegal financial activities!

All Farringdon Residents are eligible to become a voting member providing they agree to the maximum financial responsibility of £1 if the VHC becomes insolvent. A letter will shortly be circulated to residents, inviting them to join the the new ViHC under the new CIO status. . . .More

YOUR FUTURE IN THE STARS??? - Updated 5th January 2024

Once again the infamous astrologer Ms Aphelia Boddy has produced, exclusively for Farringdon Residents, an exclusive list of her predictions for the coming year : "Astrological Prognostications for 2024"

To see what the next 12 months have in store for you (or possibly not!) Click Here


The Rose & Crown Now a Brakspear Pub - Updated 20th January 2024

The Rose & Crown has now been sold to Brakspeare and will join the other Public Houses under their control.

The sale was finalised on the 19th but the Pub will continue trading until 30th Jan when it will be officially tradung under new colours. Charlotte and co will continue to provide their service for the new owners

roseThe Pub has been trading under various owners in the past years and was eventually saved from Closure when it was purchased by Farringdon Residents,Steve & Debbie Newton, who made it clear that they were not intending to run the pub themselves or indeed retain ownership indefinitely, so they appointed an experienced team to manage their new asset.

In that role, Andy and Caroline built up trade, customers numbers rose rapidly and the future of the Rose and Crown seemed assured.

In 2020 lockdown restrictions introduced to control the Covid Pandemic led to temporary closure of both our village pubs, in common with other hospitality businesses across the country.

Around this time the relationship between the management and owners began to breakdown amid rumours that a pub management company were involved in discussion with the owners. The pub reopened throughout the summer with Megan moving into the management role but was forced to close again as the second lockdown began to bite.

Following hot on the heels of the partial re-opening of the Rose and Crown garden on the 14th April Steve and Debbie confirmed that the Rose and Crown was to become one of the Red Mist Leisure Inns.

The pub continued under Red Mist until they sold out and one of the directors took on a small number of pubs including the Rose and Crown. The current management team eventually revived the menus and the pub but it was on the market again as the owner was more interested in renovating old pubs and needed capital and so the pub has now been sold and continues to trade as a Brakspear.Pub.

Fortunately the future of the Rose and Crown seems to be assured with the Brakspear purchase and we hope the pub, following the updating, will cntinue to provide hospitality for the years to come !!

Groundwater levels seem to be stabilising - Flood Alert- Updated 20th January 2024

Groundwater levels are currently stable in Farringdon. This current levels at the Farringdon Borehole in Lower Farringdon seem to have settled around 114.5m this morning (20th Jan) .

Should the level rise again approach the 116m level, some low level areas will flood and cellars, particularly in Lower Farringdon, will continue to fill .

A proportion of the heavy rain over the last few weeks will have drained off the surface as the rate at which water can move down into the saturated ground is limited, so the current rate at which ground water levels are rising may change over the next weeks.

There is currently a "Flood Alert" in place for the Lower Farringdon and Chawton areas and if Levels approach the 118m mark, groundwater will be at A32 road level, although flooding of the A32 may, if drains are clear and work done over the last year or so is effective, be reduced, unless the levels continue to rise.

Sandbags are no longer available from the Hampshire Council and although East Hants do have some in reserve for their own use.

If flooding occurs it is apparently down to you to to protect drives from the wash of passing vehicles. Most of the houses are, with one or two exceptions, above the flood level, but wash flowing into drives from passing road vehicles can flush water into houses without some form of protection being in place.

If you hold the mouse over "Flooding" on the Parish Council "Our Village" menu there is a list of collected information pages on what you need to know, preparing for and protecting your property from floodwater.

Flood Information and Guidance on HCC webpages - If you are flooded contact Floodline 0345 9881188.




Thanks to the efforts of Cabinet member Cllr Tony Costigan, East Hants District Council have agreed to purchase 20 sets of “Speedwatch” cameras for use in some of the district’s worst high-speed hotspots.

The solar powered units record, average speed and number plates from passing vehicles, times of high traffic and other related information, which can be shared with police.

Parish Councils have applied for the cameras and the first Speedwatch units have been delivered to five Parish Councils:  Bramshott & Liphook, Froyle, Ropley, Worldham and Farringdon which will be installed and run in conjunction with existing Community Speedwatch schemes. 

presentThe Farringdon unit was presented by EHDC Cabinet Member Tony Costigan to Cllr (Now Chair) Denise Maughan and it will soon be placed to record the speed and registration of passing vehicles.

EHDC’s role will be to fund the cameras, but local communities will liaise with the police and Hampshire County Council on how to use the data collected and where cameras should be positioned. 

Camera data can be shared with the police, giving them a clear idea of when traffic speeds are highest, when traffic is heaviest and who the serial offenders are!

Bear in mind, that a major part of our village, including a section of A32, is subject to a 30mph speed limit and also be aware that if your vehicle is recorded at travelling in excess of the speed limit you may receive a warning letter and, in the case of repeated events, a possible visit from a police officer.  

No penalties or points can be awarded from the Speedwatch data alone but it is probably wise to avoid attracting unnecessary attention!!!


All SaintsFarringdon Christmas Dinner - Updated 12th December 2023

The pensioners of Farringdon were heading to the Church on Monday night (11th Dec) for the Annual Over 65's Farringdon Christmas Dinner.

The annual event has been held almost every year (until Covid threw a spanner in the works) and since 2015, when the Folly was no longer available, the Church became a very popular venue for the event.

Due to the lack of catering facilities the menu was revised from the full blown Christmas Dinner to an excellent meal which can be prepared by the many volunteers in the village and transported to the Church . . . more


Parish Council Chair resigns - Updated 17th November 2023

Following a long and occasionally somewhat heated meeting last Wednesday evening, the Chair, Sarah Farquhar, resigned from the Farringdon Parish Council.on Thursday in a message sent to her fellow Councillors.

Following the last meeting, it is not entirely a surprise but it does creat a vacancy on the FPC at a time when it was was gradually reforming from a somewhat confused period and allowing genuine debates on all issues.

We wish her well in the future and hope her replacement is found soon. . . . FPC meeting report



Meeting of Village Hall Committee - Updated 8th November 2023

A public meeting of The Farringdon Village Hall Trust Committee Meeting was held in the Church at 7pm on November 8th.
The current Principals ot the Committee John Hustler, Treasurer (left), John Constable, Secretary, and Chair, Andy Clegg the Parish Council Representative (right), were on hand to bring the Parish Council and the audience up to date with Current Progress and what would be happening in the near future.

The current accounts, now approved, will be sent on to the Charity Commision so that they can approve the formation of a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation committee, to take over the Village Hall Project.

Hopefully the approval will not take too long, as the proposed site purchase option is only confirmed until 21st April next year and, assuming the new CIO is approved in time, the new Committee can purchase the land with current funds, assuming the Planning Application to build a hall on the site is accepted in time.

If the new CIO is not set up in time the current Parish Council Trust could authorize the purchase but could face a tricky problem, if the Planning Permission is not granted in time or even refused.

One can only hope both the SDNP planning and the Charity Commission get their act together otherwise things couild get even more complicated!! We wait and see.

Shirnall Hill

Shirnall Hill drains blocked - again! - Updated 25th October 2023

The Farringdon Parish Council is aware that the two drains, on the corner of the road entering the Shirnall Hill Houses and Park, are  totally blocked again and Councillor Denise Maughan has duly logged a complaint on the Hampshire County Council site asking for them to be cleared immediately and cleared reqularly  going forward.

The Council would like to encourage all residents to submit their own complaints which would result in HCC having to act with more haste.

Residents can log an issue via the Parish Council Website or by using the following link to the County Council : Report Flooding


Could a Farringdon Charity benefit your family? - Updated 23rd October 2023

Farringdon once had its own railway station, General store and The Farringdon Village School which was in in the western half of Massey’s Folly.

The School closed in 1987 through falling intake and pupils were redirected to Chawton and Selborne Primary Schools.

Today, Farringdon School leaves one valuable legacy, Farringdon School Playground Charity, which continues to benefit the residents of Lower and Upper Farringdon and Newton Valence. . . . more

Macmillan Coffee Morning - Updated 30th July 2023

‘Let's do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer." The Macmillan Slogan, was taken to heart by the Farringdon Macmillan Coffee Morning Team who held the 2023 Farringdon Macmillan Coffee Morning yesterday (Saturday 29th September) in All saints Church. . . . . more

Farringdon Gardening Club Show 2023 - Updated 23rd Sep 2023

The sun shone for our village show held at the church on Saturday 16th September. It is always a challenge knowing what flowers and produce are going to be ready to show, especially with our very changeable summers. Therefore it was good to see a similar number of entries as for the last summer show in 2021. . . more

Farringdon great onion weigh-in Results - Updated 4th Sep 2023

Last Saturday evening the Hortons welcomed the Farringdon Onion Growers to The Thatched Cottage, for the 2023 Farringdon Great Onion Competition. . . . . more

Farringdon Parish Council - Key Messages - Updated 18th June 2023

Denise Maughan, Tony Causton and Andy Clegg are our new Parish councillors.

Sarah Farquhar was elected Chair and Andy Clegg Vice Chair

The PC are holding meetings with Hampshire County Council to confirm plans to update road markings and signs on the A32 to further reduce traffic concerns over speeding and safety.

A detailed plan will be made available to all residents and an opportunity to participate in any final decisions before the plan is put into action.



Each year The Farringdon Gardening Club hold a fun event that is open to everyone living in Farringdon.

During the week beginning Monday 10th July members of The Club Committee will be travelling around the village, judging the outdoor containers and hanging baskets at the front of people’s homes.

There were some lovely displays around the village, and Carol Stock was judged to be the winner.
Well done Carol and thanks to Garthowen for the donation of a garden voucher

Don't forget our Summer Show will be held on 16th September more info on our Garden Club Page

BOTH of our village pubs are up for sale - Updated 28th June 2023

The Rose and Crown is up for sale as a going concern and the site alongside the A32, which includes The Golden Pheasant pub and car park, is also up for sale. which will obviously have an effect on the future of the Pub.

We can only hope that both businesses survive the experience and continue to thrive in the future but in the current situation there are obviously concerns about the continuation of business.

We can only keep drinking and eating out, and with the Greyfriar in Chawton up for sale as well we can only hope that we can continue to do so in this area for many years to come!
(All three pubs have been sold since this report was published and all are open and welcoming Customers)


Village Events are listed
in the
Village Diary

Farringdon Garden Club

Farringdon Parish Council

Next Scheduled Parish Council Meeting
Thursday 13th March
7pm at the Royal Oak Function Room
(Agenda to follow

Parish Road Report

Current Parish
Council Vacancy

Details Here

Provisional Minutes
September Meeting

Hants Police Burglary Prevention Notice

Biz Planning Meeting Report
November 1st

Farringdon Parish Council Website

Farringdon Garden Club

Village Hall Trust Charity

Latest Newsletter
April 2022

                 (opens in a new page)

Previous Newsletters are available on The
Village Hall Trust Page


Farringdon Parish Council Meeting - The 'Biz' Report - Updated 19th May 2023

This was the first meeting including four new Parish Council members: Peter Bosley, Steven Doherty, Delia Gilchrist & Marianne Prynne.
 Andy Clegg, the Outgoing Vice-Chairman, took temporary control to elect a New Chairperson. . . more

Farringdon Coronation Party - Updated 9th May 2023

There was a full turnout for the Coronation Picnic held on Sunday 7th May, one day after we watched King Charles and Queen Camilla being crowned in Westminster Abbey.

After a dull start with a few spots of rain the weather brightened up and the Grand Day out was celebrated by all who turned out equipped with a variety of folding tents, wheel barrows, trailers and carts and a grand assortment of drinks and beverages to celebrate the event..more

Seats & Events - Updated 4th May 2023

Should you wish to find somewhere to sit and relax there are now a variety of options with the new seat around a white cherry on the Church Green and an earlier commemorative seat in the Church Yard . . more

THE GREAT ONION CONTEST- Updated 18th April 2023

It's Onion Time again, when Farringdon residents can pick up some Onion Seedlings and see if they can grow the biggest Village Onion this year!

Plants must be grown from very special seeds are now ready for planting and you can have 6 ready potted plants absolutely free of any charge.

All aspiring winners will have their largest onion weighed in on Saturday 2nd September at The Thatched Cottage. Call by any time that suits you to collect, or ring David Horton on 07788 373150 to fix a time.

Looking forward to a mammoth entry!.

eAST hANTS dISTRICT COUNCIL eleCTIONS - Updated 7th April 2023

Elections will be held on Thursday 4 May between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.to elect your Two East Hants District Councillors.

The full list of candidates is as follows ( in alphabetical order ) :

ASHCROFT, David Arnold . . . . . .(Con),
DAVIES, Philip Roy . . . . . . . . . . . (Con),
HAMLIN, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Lab),
JAMES, Nicholas Andrew Milburn (Lib/dem)
STAMMERS, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . (Lib/dem)

There will be no Farringdon Parish Council Elections as only 5 Candidates (there are 9 available places) were nominated so all the following will be Farringdon Parish Councillors from the Election Date.

BOSLEY Peter Brian,
FARQUHAR Sarah Josephine,
PRYNNE Marianne Kristina,

From the above list one must assume that some of the retiring Councillors names will appear on the New Farringdon Village Hall Charity Committee list!

Farringdon Horticultural Society events - Updated 29th March 2023

The Horticultural Society Schedule for the Spring Show at the Church on Saturday 15th April is now available and they are also organising a Plant Sale and Swap event at the Thached Cottage to support Home Start and Marie Curie on Monday 8th April.
Full details & downloads on the Horticultural Society Page

Village Hall Charity Meeting at East TistedUpdated 24th March 2023

Around 20 villagers and Parish Councillors met at East Tisted Village Hall last night to discuss the option of creating a new Village Hall Committee as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, a system that became available in 2013 . . . more

THE CORONATION PICNIC - Updated 8th February 2023

As part of the celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III the village will be holding a "Coronation Big Lunch Picnic" on Sunday 7th May, from 12:30 until 5:00pm in Paul and Sue Andersen's Field adjacent to the Church.
The organisers, Victoria Retallack, Andrea Merron and Anna Duncan, are also planning to run lots of activities and competitions for all age groups through the afternoon and would welcome any available assistants!
Farringdon residents can reserve their Free! Coronation Picnic Tickets online here

The Farringdon Horticultural Society Annual General Meeting - Updated 14th January 2023

Farringdon Horticultural Society held their rescheduled Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 11th January at 7pm in the Church . . more



REvised PLANNING APPLICATION FOR The FOLLY - Updated 21st December 2022

The Farringdon Parish Council have now replied and the text can be viewed here

A revised planning application for the development of Massey's Folly was on the Agenda at a Planning Meeting of the Farringdon Parish Council which was held in All Saints Church on Wednesday 4th January.

There were a considerable number of visitors from the village as well as Mark Kemp Gee, from the Hampshire County Council & David Ashcroft, from East Hants District Council at the Public Meeting which dealt with the three minor applications before moving on to the Folly Application.

There were a number of concerns expressed about material brought in to raise the site level and the general state of chaos outside and inside the constructed areas.

A more detailed report will be published when the Farringdon Parish Council Response is released in the next day or so.


Changes Ahead for Village Hall Charitable Trust – Updated 18th December 2022

New officers are apparently being appointed to the Farringdon Village Hall Charitable Trust as moves are afoot to form a new,independent, Board of Trustees that would no longer be administered by the Farringdon Parish Councillors in a different hat!. . . more


professionalFARRINGDON YEW TREE secured - Updated 13th December 2022

A professional photographer was in action on the 29th November when the your photographer arrived to capture the ceremony, celebrating the completion of the work to preserve and support the ancient Yew in All Saints Churchyard. . . more


sprucing up the w.i. garden - Updated 17th Nov 2022

At workCompletedThe Farringdon Women's Institute. Workforce were making the most of the sunshine today, sprucing up their garden by the old Telephone Box adjacent to the A32.

Originally planted out in 2016, the W.I. Garden has matured over the years and now provides a splash of colour for the benefit of travellers coming into, or through, the village via the A32 Gosport Road

Thanks to Judy Craig for the pictures.


Saving the Yew


The Farringdon great onion challenge - updated 22nd September 2022


The Onion growing enthusiasts of Farringdon gathered at the Thatched Cottage last Saturday Evening (17th Sep) for the 2022 Farringdon Great Onion Challenge Weigh-in hosted by David and Cally Horton.

The evening included Annual Farringdon Liqueur Competition, a very popular event as the winner is decided by number of votes cast following a tasting session involving all present! . . more

Farringdon Open Gardens July 3rd 2022 - Updated 5th july 2022

Farrringdon Open Gardens Day was held on a warm afternoon in July and was well supported by locals and visitors . Pictures here

A32 road closure Chaos - updated 26th June 2022

Update: The A32 is has finally re-opened as the original plans to continue works to the south of the crossroads have been postponed until next Spring year, so that will be something to look forward to, if it happens!

Looking South

Hampshire County Council gave notice that various sections of the A32 will be closed for during a 15 week period commencing 27 June to allow for essential flood management work to take place on a 5km stretch South from Farringdon.

What they didn't tell us was the traffic management plan must have been prepared by pigeon brained sadist and that vehicle access to and from Farringdon would require two or three sessions on the Village "Wassup" group to ascertain the favoured route for the day.

Exactly how many Farringdon residents have contacted the so-called "HCC hot line" is difficult to estimate but going by the range of the reference numbers given to callers, the numbers must be approaching the turnout for the local council elections!

So far workmen have excavated a large and deep square hole, that appears, at first glance to be some sort of sump or holding tank on the Eastern side of the A32 just north of Boundary House, beyond the sign above which is adjacent to the Woodside Lane Junction.

Apparently, there is concern that the vibrations from heavy lorries might cause a partial collapse of the sides of the aforementioned hole but if the barriers at Chawton Roundabout were manned (as we were led to believe they would be!) Heavy Goods Vehicles could be redirected and light traffic could continue to use the A32 into Farringdon with temporary traffic lights to control movement through the roadworks.


The Village Hall Planning Application - Updated 7th June 2022

The New Village Hall Planning Application (SDNP/22/01621/FUL) is now available to view on the SDNP Planning Portal.

The application was made based on draft plans to the layout displayed at the two open meetings held in February and March, but the application hadn't appeared on the SDNP Planning Portal due to a delay because of "...document errors ..".
No further information was forthcoming so presumably some essential application document/s were either missing, or present but completed incorrectly.

Since the FVHC Application was posted on the planning portal all the public comments heve been removed, which doesn't come as a surprise as one response to objections (among those removed) was even more abusive than some of the comments that were warming up the various Farringdon social media groups in the run up to the Village Referndum!.

Just where we stand with the current project following the "No" majority in the recent Village referendum is not clear at present but no doubt all will be made clear, or possibly less so, in the future.


BuntingIs Somebody having a party? Updated 6th June 2022

The bunting was up in Fielders Barn for the Farringdion Platinum Jubilee Party on Sunday (5th) a page of pictures can be found here

Parish Council Meeting May - Updated 17th May 2022

The Biz report of the Farringdon Parish Council meeting held on 11th May is available Here

THE VILLAGE HALL YES, or No - Updated 12th May 2022

Yes-No ResultGary Lyle, the Parish Clerk, conducted the Official Count yesterday evening (11th May) and the result, was, as expected, fairly close but "The No's have it" by a narrow nine vote margin.

554 villagers on the Farringdon Electoral role were sent ballot papers and just over 70% of those were returned for the official count (including two spoiled papers, which were discounted!) and the tabulated resuls are shown on the right.

Bearing in mind the heated debate that folowed the publication of the business plan, the fact that 30% of electors failed to return their ballots is a something of a surprise. There was, initially, confusion among some electors as to precisely what they were saying Yes, or No to, which probably contributed to that total, and there are of course a number of residents who feel that there is no longer a need for a Farringdon Village Hall.

So where does this vote leave us? There are several obvious options, a more manageable building on the current, A32 site proposed by the Village Hall Charity Trustees or elsewhere or, the consideration of funds being directed to a the alternative proposal for a smaller community facilities attached to the Church, both of which have been part of the "ongoing debate!" .

Whatever future proposals are put forward, the residents of Farringdon will have to be convinced that the scheme is both affordable and sustainable in the long term


Springlshow small
The Spring Show - Updated 3rd May 2022

Farringdon Horticultural Society were. at last, able to hold their Annual Spring Show in the Church last Saturday (30th April) although the weather, as per usual, caused some problems, with the unusually warm period in the run-up to the event leaving few daffodils still in bloom and not much in the way of alternatives for exhibitors to enter his year. . more


Spring in The Garden - Updated 10/04/22

Although there is an air of uncertainty around the Village Hall Project, one initiative that has been an unqualified success is the Village Garden, which replced the old Parsonage Close Playground area..

The Garden is coming into bloom and and Pat Herman and the team have been busy planting Snowdrops to provide even more variety next year.

There will also be another Childrens' Sunfower competition this year and, while on the sublect of horticultural competition, don't forget, the Farringdon Horticultural Society will be in All Saints Church on Saturday 30th April, looking forward to checking in your entries for the Farringdon Spring Show on Sat 30th April.

(Thanks to Chrys Browne for the pictures)

To Be or not to Be? - the New Village Hall - Updated 1st March 2022

vilmeet03The Farringdon Village Hall Trust held first of two open days in the Church last Saturday Morning (26th Feb - a second meeting was held in the Church on Sunday 5th March) which was well attended and certainly provide the Trust members present, David Horton, Penny Cushing, David Williams and Tim Herman, with fair idea of the various views for, against, undecided and even alternatives to the current proposals. . . more

The Farringdon Village Hall Charitable Trust have, as promised,published their 31 page business plan which is available to download in pdf format (opens in a fresh page)


Farringdon Parish Council Meeting - the Biz ReportUpdated 15th January 2022

The first Farringdon Parish Council Meeting of the New Year was held in Chawton Village Hall last Wednesday (12th Jan) evening.

Following the retirement of Tami Doherty there was a vacancy for a new Parish Council member and, after some deliberation Keith Herman was duly co-opted to bring the numbers up to full strength...more


Santa 01Santa pays his annual visit to Farringdon - Updated 19th Dec 2021

Despite the murky weather Santa turned out to make his annual pre Christmas visit to Farringdonwith a round trip from Church Green on via New Road to the Golden Pheasant, and Shirnall Meadow then on up (and down) Shirnall Hill to the Rose and Crown and Crows Lane. . more pictures



planning application for New village hall - Updated 11th December 2021

The New Farringdon Village Hall moves on another step with submission of a pre- application to the Planning Authority giving more details of the building and general layout of the site North of the Golden Pheasant on the A32 Gosport Road.

The application documents can be viewed by entering the appliication ref: SDNP/21/05756/PRE into the search box on the East Hants Planning Portal (opens in a new page)

Updated Parish Map - Updated 1th December 2021

Parish  MapThanks to Penny, your reporter, in common with genuine Farringdon residents, has been furnished with the latest edition of the rather splendid Farringdon Village Map. Which is an updated and worthy successor to the Village Millenium Map produced over 20 years ago.

The new map has been well received by the overwhelming majority of recipients, many of them intending to frame the map and put it on display, with or without their property being highlighted..

One or two of those who live within the Parish Boundary but are not, to coin a phrase, on the map, have made their opinions clear but extending the area covered by the current map to the Parish Boundary would certainly have been more inclusive but, as shown by the image on the right, the resulting document would be more than twice the size and it would no longer be possible to show the same degree of detail and information.

Perhaps the new map should be compulsory reading for those delivery drivers who seem to scatter parcels at random around the village although in some cases I am not sure the effort would reduce the number of "hunt the parcel" posts on the village "Wassup" group!


Yellow Lines at the Junction - Updated 17th November 2021

No ParkingAt some time in the not too far distant future East Hampshire District Council will be painting Double Yellow Lines in an attempt to solve the ever present problem of parked vehicles obstructing the Hall Lane Crows Lane & Street junction adjacent to the Rose and Crown.

In theory any vehicle parked on the double lines could be subject to a fine, assuming someone with the appropriate authority slaps a parking ticket on the windscreen of the offending vehicle/s.

As far as I am aware there is no plan for Farringdon to have a Traffic Warden so we must assume enforcement is going to be the responsibility of the very occasional visit of the local constabulary.

It remains to be seen if this scheme will solve the problem but since the Yellow Lines in Crows Lane (see sketch map) only extend as far as the South Western corner of the pub, vehicles will still be able to park in the narrow part of the lane from the end of the restriction past the car park entrance. which is part of the problem area.

The only consolation being that, should the application for the pub illuminations and hanging sign be approved, the driver of any vehicle the width of a Fire Engine or a passing Tractor, will clearly be able to see any obstructing vehicles, dangling signs or projecting floodlights that may attach themselves to their vehicle as they squeeze through.

Defibrillators - Updated 7th October 2021

DefibFarringdon Parish Council pays an annual service contract to monitor and maintain the two defibrillators that are situated in the old phone boxes at the A31 crossroads and Parsonage Close.

If you need to use them phone 999 and ask for the ambulance service. If they think that the defibrillator is required to aid in saving a life, they will inform you and give you the access code to access the unit.

Once activated, the unit will give the operator step-by-step instructions to guide them through the resuscitation process.

If you would like to know more about the defibrillators and their use, or would be interested in attending a course in Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, please contact Penny Cushing a member of your Parish Council who has been trained in CPR.

If enough residents come forward the parish council will arrange a training event in conjunction with The Community Heartbeat Trust.

The Great Farringdon Onion Competition 2021 - Updated 26th September 2021

Due to a number of unfortunate complications the weigh-in for the 2021 Great Onion Competition, postponed from earlier this month, was held at the Thatched Cottage on September 25th, during the lunch break of the Farringdon Horticultural Society Summer Show. . . more

VilgardVillage Garden is thriving - Updated 14th July 2021

Picture by Antonia BaileysJust over a month after the major part of the New Village Garden, was planted up by volunteers, the beds have thrived in the wet and (occasionally) warm weather and are proving quite popular with passing walkers and residents.

The garden has been laid out on the site of the former Parsonage Close playground beside New Road and the official opening took place on Sunday 15th August at 1:30 pm. - more pictures here


Thanks to Antonia Baileys for the two images (above and right) on this page, who also suggested that If visitors would like to bring bird seed for the bird table and top up the bird bath under the tree, the wildlife would be grateful.

Assorted Opinions offered at the New Village Hall "Consultation" – Updated 21st June 2021.

Although temporarily resident in the western extremities of the country (and despite a dodgy Sky internet connection) your reporter was able to listen in, and occasionally watch, the meeting held by the Farringdon Village Hall Trust on 17th June at Lower Woodside Farm.

It has taken some years to negotiate a potential plot for a New Hall and despite several setbacks the trust has, at last, managed to negotiate a site on the West side of the A32 . . . more

Festival of Flowers - Updated 15th May 2021

There was no risk of huge crowds breaching Covid gathering restrictions, but there was a respectable number of flower arrangements on display in All Saints Church for the Farringdon Horticultural Society Festival of flowers . . . .more

Farringdon Parish Council Meeting held 6th May - Updated 12th May 2021

The Biz report of the meeting held on Thursday . . . more,

Also, thanks to Gary Lyle, (Clerk  & Responsible Financial Officer), the official list of current priorities for the Parish Council, can both be found on the Parish Page.

Hampshire Police & Crime Commissioner Election - Updated 10th May 2021

The "results" of the PCC Election have now been published and if you are interested some sort of conclusion can be found here.

Anyone interested in a "des Res" in church road??? - Updated 6th May 2021

Folly IntFor SaleFor only £550,000??? a you can purchase what, at first sight, appears to be an upmarket two bedroomed flat adjacent to Church Road, I suspect any prospective buyer might be slightly less excited by the prospect of a residence in Upper Farringdon when they find it is in the middle of "the not much construction going on site" that was Massey's Folly.

Presumably the "Developer" is hoping to finance the rest of the project by selling off the flats and houses bit by bit.

The images here are from the Agents website (link to the listing below) I think the view throught the window says it all! Happy House-Hunting!

If you are interested you can view the full size images in the Bourne Estate Agents listing (opens in a new page) you will all be relieved to know your reporter won't be hanging around Church Road for for fear of being trampled in the rush!!


POTENTIAL VILLAGE HALL SITE ON A32 CONFIRMED (at last!) Updated 27th April 2021

SiteAlthough it has been an open secret for some considerable time, the Farringdon Village Hall Charity have, at last, officially confirmed that the vacant plot on the west side of the A32, Gosport road next to the Golden Pheasant is the potential site for the replacement Village Hall.

Potential being the operative word as the site needs approval not only from the Village but also from the relevant Planning Authorities before any construction work can begin.

Since the sale of the Folly, home of the previous Village Hall, several sites for the new village hall have been considered, from the Churchyard area to Shirnall Hill but, either from planning refusal or negotiation breakdown, the proposals have fallen by the way side.

Asssuming the current site is approved by the Village, negotiations don't break down, suitable access and planning applications are obtained and the money doesn't run out, a new Farringdon Village Hall might, eventually, become a reality.

Farringdon Village Hall Charitable Trust page


RED MIST AT THE ROSE AND CROWN Updated 17th April 2021

Clear up 2016

Steve and Debbie Newton’s purchase of Rose and Crown in 2016 was welcomed by the great majority of Farringdon residents as the pub, previously owned by Enterprise Inns had been gradually run down and was in danger of permanent closure.

In September of that year Farringdon responded enthusiastically to an appeal from the new owners to help clear up the garden and the interior and with some mechanical assistance some sort of order was restored from the chaos left by the previous tenant.

Following a major refurbishment the pub partially reopened over the Christmas period and was soon fully operational.

Steve and Debbie had made it clear that they were not intending to run the pub themselves or indeed retain ownership indefinitely, so they appointed an experienced team to manage their new asset.

In that role, Andy and Caroline built up trade, customers numbers rose rapidly and the future of the Rose and Crown seemed assured.

In 2020 lockdown restrictions introduced to control the Covid Pandemic led to temporary closure of both our village pubs, in common with other hospitality businesses across the country.


Around this time the relationship between the management and owners began to breakdown amid rumours that a pub management company were involved in discussion with the owners. The pub reopened throughout the summer with Megan moving into the management role but was forced to close again as the second lockdown began to bite.

Following hot on the heels of the partial re-opening of the Rose and Crown garden on the 14th April Steve and Debbie confirmed that the Rose and Crown was to become one of the Red Mist Leisure Inns

Red Mist are based in Farnham and own and manage dozen pubs in Surrey and East Hampshire, including, among others. the The Temple, Liss Forest, The Red Lion, Odiham, The Wellington Arms, Stratfield Turgis and The Exchequer in Crookham. The company has formerly purchased, and revived the fortunes of several pubs heading for closure although in the case of The Rose and Crown the revival has already been established.

I am sure we all would like to extend our thanks to all those who contributed to the revival of the Rose and Crown but particularly to Steve and Debbie Newton who took on the project and re-established the Rose and Crown as a very popular family pub. No doubt they will continue to contribute to enjoy the hospitality of the pub free of any financial involvement, apart from the bar tab!



 The Farringdon Great Onion Competition 2021

David Horton checks the Onion Sets for this years Great Onion Competition and (if everything goes to plan!) the winner will be decided at the official weigh-in and Licqueur competition September 4th.

There has been much demand for the sets this year and they are now available for collection although with a severe drop in temperature forecast (following a lovely Easter Sunday) only those who have some sort of weather protection will be taking their sets home until Spring is firmly established.

Massey's Folly Remembered

Masseys Folly RememberedDespite the lockdown, Chrys Browne's booklet "Masseys Folly Remembered" has sold 200 copies, with profits going directly to Farringdon Parish Council.

Chrys has ordered a rerun and now has copies in stock.

If you wish to purchase a copy please email Chrys for more information.

A gradual return to some sort of normality - updated 3rd March 2021

With the first service this year in All Saints Church just over a week away, preparations for the Farringdon Great Onion Competition in hand and the Progressive Supper scheduled for 26th June and schools fully open later this month, are we about to set forth on the slow road back to normality?

Certainly with the blooming of the Spring flowers, an unexpected burst of Spring like weather, the wild birds that have happily co-existed around the gardens of Farringdon through the Winter beginning to establish territorial rights and the return of the traditional garden bonfire, there is good reason to be hopeful.

The one outstanding success story of the last year has been the Vaccination rollout which, thanks to the untiring and enthusiastic efforts of all those involved, has exceeded all expectations both in numbers vaccinated and in reducing the risk of serious illness, particularly among those of us of a generation who have accumulated more years than we care to think about.

While I wouldn't recommend booking your foreign holiday just yet, should you yearn for a trip across the water, the exotic delights of the Isle of Wight could be accessible in early summer but, when you find out how much the return ferry crossing costs,you could well imagine you are embarking on rather longer voyage than the short trip across the Solent. Should you avail yourself of this option, please remember that the majority of the inhabitants still drive on the left.

We can only hope that we will soon have the option to see friends and family face to face rather than the various internet connection services.

This will also allow us to return all those politically correct book titles and other worthy items and artifacts carefully arranged in the background to impress internet viewers. There is a downside in that we will now be visible from the waist down as well as above and many of us may discover that either: we no longer have a discernable waistline and/or that area has expanded beyond the capabilities of the available garments. At least that bodes well for the clothes retailers when they are eventually allowed to trade.

We are fortunate in that both of our village pubs are planning to reopen when allowed and I'm sure we will all be giving them our enthusiastic support while continuing to be aware that we have to learn to live with the Corona virus as it is not going to disappear.

on the "high" Road? - Updated 29th January 2021

WeedsApparently someone has been utilising their spare time growing some exotic flora, presumably to provide solace during lockdown.

Having harvested the "crop" the grower/s were faced with the disposal of cut stems and roots and took the decision to dump the aforementioned in a ditch beside Gaston Lane.

Initially the plants were mistaken for Japanese Knotweed but the leaves and strong odour, familiar to anybody who has found themselves in the area of Glastonbury High Street around festival time, clearly indicates that the dumped specimens are neither Japanese or Knot and only the Weed part of the identification is applicable in this case. There were also some Bamboo rhizomes in the mixture which led to the initial confusion.

So far nobody has owned up to this act of environmental pollution but we are assured that the Farringdon Horticultural Society is not involved.

Should you be considering livening up your current situation with a gleaning project, the dumped material has been removed and disposed of permanently and responsibly and this item will not be featured in any of the "what to spot in Farringdon Guides"!

Massey's Folly

The Folly - Redevelopment or Disaster area - Updated 10th January 2021

Anyone passing along Church Road cannot fail to notice that there is currently very little activity on the Massey's Folly redevelopment project.

The "Covid" effect may, in part, have contributed to the delays but the project appears to have been slowly grinding to a halt over the last few months. . . . more

Santa 2020'Twas the week Before Christmas - Updated 19th December 2020

Despite the "not very festive" weather, requiring a change of transport from Reindeer and Sleigh to Wayne & Karen's Pony and Trap, Santa was out and about in Farringdon today picking up all those urgent requests from his fans....more

MORE REPLACEMENT WOES - Updated 13th October 2020

Just a reminder that the upgrading of the pumping station on Brightstone Lane, to keep up with the increasing demand for water from the expanding population of Four Marks, is due to begin on October 27th and carry on through until works are due to be completed next year.

According to the official blurb from the Water Board:
" Construction is planned to begin on October 27 and we anticipate the new pumping station will be up and running by April 2021. Our existing pumping station in Brightstone Lane, which has come to the end of its working life, will then be decommissioned.
Work will take place during normal working hours and there may be some noise disturbance but our workforce is under strict instructions
to keep noise to a minimum. We are very sorry for any disruption this may cause and would like to thank our customers
and valued stakeholders for their patience while we carry out this vital project."

Once work commences find regular updates will be posted on the South East Water web page for Farringdon. (opens in a new page)



The Champion OnionThe GREAT ONION CHALLENGE - Updated 13th August 2019

Last week (5th September) Cally and David Horton were the hosts as the 2020 Great onion Challenge competitors made their way to the Thatched House for the all important weigh in.

An extra this year was The Alternative Produce and Flower Show and, of course, the the traditional home made Liqueur competiton which is decided by votes from the enthusiastic tasting by all those present.

For the benefit of those whose memories of the event might be a little hazy a report and the full results of the Great Onion weigh-in are available here

New Notice Board - Updated 31st July 2020

Parish Notice BoardIn case you hadn't noticed there is now a shiny new Parish Notice Board on the South side Street at the Church Road junction. The new notice board was paid for by the Parish council and is a General use notice board for village use.The board had been stored in Tony Batley's garage since the purchase on behalf of the village some time ago.

Although maintained by the Parish the notice board will be for Village use with notices only being allowed for village type communications. Several members of the Parish council have offered to check the content and remove any unwanted or out of date notices. Usually 1 month is sufficient for most notices; this notice board is unlocked.

Two other locked Parish notice boards are in use, one at the Lower Farringdon Crossroads and one at Parsonage close .

David Williams, (who is takes on most of these jobs in Farringdon) with the assistance of David Horton, made a splendid job of replacing the old board on the fringes of the Tabner estate so thanks to Gary and Sarah giving continued permission to allow the board to be sited inside their garden wall.


rose & Crown reopening, but . . . . - Updated 26th July 2020

The Rose and Crown is re-opening this evening (Friday 31st July) at 5:00pm but probably not as we knew it.

Andy & Caroline, who have run the pub so successfully folllowing the long period of closure in 2016 are leaving, to the dismay of the many customers of the pub under their management.

This was the statement published on the Pub Facebook page on Sunday 26th:

". . . . . . . It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that Caroline and Andy have taken the decision to leave The Rose and Crown. It was not a decision taken lightly and we will miss you all terribly, we've made some fantastic friends in the last two and a half years.

      Caroline x Andy x & Oscar. . . . "


all change at the parish Council - Updated 14th July 2020

Unfortunately your reporter missed the last electronic meeting of the Council but fit would appear that a considerable reshuffle took place during the session.

Following the resignations of Deputy Chair Nadine Farris and Councillor Graham Ryan, two new Parish Concillors, Tami Doherty and Penny Cushing, will fill the vacancies once formalities are completed by Gary Lyle, the Parish Clerk .

Allthough no longer a Parish Councillor Nadine will continue to be involved in the New Village Hall Project and the development of Cycle routes in the local area.

From here on you have to pay attention!

Tony Batley resigned from his position as Chair of the FPC, although he continues as a Parish Councillor. Nadine was Deputy Chair until her resignation so both positions were up for grabs.

I hope you are keeping up with this so far, I have this vision of The FPC shuffling from seat to seat, in whatever passes for Musical Chairs in Virtual meetings, with no music and nobody leaving their seat.

However when the music stopped (although in reality it hadn't actually started) and the electronic dust settled, David Horton is now Chair of the FPC with David Craig occupying the Deputy Chair.

The next scheduled meeting will be held on 2nd September at 7.30pm. Whether this will be a face to face meeting in the Golden Pheasant Function Room or another Zoom convention has yet to be confirmed.


Walshawsmall steps back to normality - Updated 14th July 2020


The Rev Carrie Walshaw conducted the first Church Service under the new guidelines on Sunday. This was her first service in Farringdon since she joined the Northanger Benefice, just weeks before our Churches along with many other public buildings were closed.

Both the Rev. Carrie Walshaw and her husband Richard, who is an accomplished organist kindly agreed to pose for the 'biz' photographer as they left the Church.

We wish her well in her new appointment and hope it won't be too long before normal service is resumed in every sense of the word.

Get out your cameras for FARRINGDON IN BLOOM - Updated 8th July 2020

Successes & Failures
Unusual Planting Containers
A Vase of Flowers from your Garden
Flowering Shrubs
Soft Fruit
Farringdon Horticultural Society, in common with almost everyone else, have had to cancel most of their planned events this year – although they are still hoping to fit in a visit to the Royal Horticultural Society Gardens at Wisley when it is safe to do so.

They are hoping you will take some gardening photographs and share these on line.
Just for fun no prizes are on offer!

To encourage your artistic efforts the FHS have come up with the list of categories shown on the right.

Please email any photographs to contact@farringdonhs.club



This will be judged on Wednesday 5th August. There is automatic entry for all in the village. The judges will travel around and view hanging baskets and containers that are visible from the front of the property. Prizes will be awarded to the winner and two runners up. Full details on the FHS website

A well distanced picnic - Updated 5th July 2020

As restrictions ease the first Church Service was held this morning and the residents of Farringdon were let loose inti the great outdoors for a communal and well distanced picnic in Hoppa's field. The distancing had more to do with the slightly more than fresh breeze than any Covid related regulation as the participant sought protection from the wind

The Picnic

Upper Farringdon House Garden was open in the afternoon so there was an opportunity to spend a day out without taking on the traffic.

All being well the Goldon Pheasant will be opening on Monday 13th July and the Rose and Crown will follow later in the month, although both pubs will seem a bit different as they try to keep up with the ever changing regulations as we slowly progress to some form of normality.

local Travel problems as LOckdown eases - Updated 2nd June 2020

As lockdown restrictions nationally are eased you wiil need too plan your route out of Farringdon carefully as road closures, existing and threatened, will affect routes to the East and West out of Farringdon.

The trench across Church Road to repair water leaks has rendered the section between Parsonage Close and The Street closed to all but pedestrians, and determined riders of horses and bicycles. This should reopen fairly shortly, assuming somebody remembers to come back and fill it in.

Line worksAs some of you have already noticed, contractors are amassing materials and equipment on Hall Lane to replace cables on the 400kv power line. They are scheduled to start on or around the 17th June when Hall Lane will be closed, except for access, until the work is completed. It is expected that the works will take just over three weeks, assuming weather or confusion doesn't hinder progress.

Brightstone Lane is scheduled for road closure starting July 13th when the Water Board continues the new pumping station installation to supply the ever increasing population of Four Marks. Closure is scheduled to end on or before 31st July. Happy travelling!



A Blast from the Past - Updated 7th May 2020

This might stir up a few memories, Pete Read sent in this Farringdon School Photo taken in 1957 with Headmistress Pauline Hoare, who taught so many Farringdon children, their children and their grandchildren over the years. Given the number of years that have passed since this picture was taken, the age range of the children today would be late 60's to early 70's . . See anyone you recognise???

Farringdon School 1957


The 2020 Great Onion Challenge - Updated 30th April 2020

The Great Onion ChallengeThe 2020 Farringdon Great Onion Challenge is going ahead under self distancing regulations (The Competitors not the Onions) with 28 entrants registering to receive their setts from the Horton distribution service in the near future. For more information email David.

In September they will return, for the official weigh-in at the Thatched Cottage which, if the previous two events are anything to go by, will reveal the devious methods some competitors will employ to claim the prestigious trophy for the Heaviest Onion.

It is alleged that this years Onion variety, "The Kelsae", has the potential to produce a 10 lb (4.5 kg) Onion Bulb at the end of the season, so the less scrupulous competitiors are probably going to need larger rocks than in previous years

The Weigh in Evening schedule also includes the competition for "The Best Fruit Liquor made from Fruit in Your Garden".

Since this event is judged by all present, after enthusiastic tasting of the entries, there is every chance that voting slips will become increasingly illegible as the evening progresses and the winner will be selected at random, again!


SThere's no smoke . . . . .evere Case of Over Heating - Updated 09th April 2020

In case you weren't aware of the reason for the A32 closure south of Farringdon last week, the road was closed for resurfacing after this John Deere burst into flames and melted the tarmac. (Picture from Alton Fire Service)

The Firecrew from Alton extinguished the flames but were unable to prevent severe damage to the tractor and the road surface.

Contrary to scurrilous rumours, it was nothing to do with your reporter or any of the local farms, the owner was an agricultural contractor from the Peterfield area.

FInal Water Level Update - Updated 6th April 2020

Dave Mattey, who kindly provides the Farringdon weather information at the top of this page via his automated weather station, has provided us with his final update on the groundwater levels over the last few weeks Available Here (Opens in a new page)

A Message from East Hants Police - Updated 30th March 2020

Something we normally always aim to do is to keep in touch with you by either visiting you at home or meeting you at one of our many public meetings or beat surgeries.

Of course the Coronavirus outbreak means that’s going to change and we won’t actually be able to see as many of you as usual as, in line with government advice and the latest information from Public Health England about keeping our communities and our staff safe, we have decided to cancel all upcoming plans for engagement opportunities.

Local teams are still out and about trying to see as many members of the community as we can. If you do need our assistance, please contact us on 101 or online via our website For more information, please visit this page

A bit of good news perhaps? - Updated 29th March 2020

Groundwater levels continue to fall slowly, but steadily. The latest recorded groundwater level this morning (10:00am Sunday 29th March) was 116.91m above the datum level, just over a metre below the flood point.

Flood warnings are still in place, and will remain so for the immediate future as, to quote the oft repeated environment agency statement "Due to the nature of groundwater behaviour, this situation could continue for several weeks or longer. We are continuing to monitor groundwater levels, and will update this message next Wednesday (01/04/20), or as the situation changes.." but, if the downward trend continues, and we don't have more continuous heavy rain in the immediate future water, only the cellars will need pumping out.

With the Rose and Crown and the Golden Pheasant and the Church now closed and with most of us only allowed out occasionally ( nothing new for your Reporter there then ) a bit of good news is more than welcome.

Farringdon rainfall and groundwater levels Update - Updated 10th March 2020

An update on the current situation from Dave Mattey . . . more

Farringdon Parish Council Meeting - Updated 5th March 2020

A report on the March 4th meeting of the Farringdon Parish Council can be found on the Parish Page.

The Village Hall Trust - Updated 5th March 2020

The FPC meeting above was preceded by The Annual General Meeting of the Farringdon Village Hall Charitable Trust and while there was nothing new to report on the night a brief update on events so far can be found on the Trust Page

Dave Mattey's Weather Information Page - Updated 1st March 2020

Dave Mattey, who generously supplies the 'Biz' with the Farringdon weather information from his meteorological station in the village, has been following local weather patterns and the consequences thereof for some years. So, if you want to know more about the current situation from somebody who actually knows what they are talking about click here

Farringdon Annual Litterpick - Updated 26th February 2020

The Great British Litter Pick is back in Farringdon! At 10:00 am on Saturday 21st March, The Annual Farringdon Litter Pick will be setting forth to pick up the rubbish scattered along the roadside verges and footpaths around Farringdon. Your help would be much appreciated by the organisers. For more information and contact details click here (opens in a new page) .

Horticultural Society needs your Help - Updated 13th February 2020

As part of the Open Gardens day on 31st May the Farringdon Horticultural Society is hoping to stage a display of rare or unusual vehicles on the Church Green and the land behind by kind permission of Paul Andersen.
If you have a suitable vehicle - motorbike, car, van, truck or even tractor - that you would be willing to show to the public please contact Ian Ross .

Save the Farringdon Yew Campaign - Updated 24th December 2019

The Ancient Yew tree in Farringdon Churchyard has been given temporary support after suffering damage earlier this year, so the Parochial Church Council have started a campaign to finance more permanent structural support to preserve it for the foreseeable future. . . . more

fifth anniversary coffee morning - Updated 2nd February 2020

cakes01Just lookingVolunteers and Patrons of the Monthly Coffee Morning celebrated the 5th anniversary of the event in the Church last Saturday (2nd Feb). Held on the first Saturday in the Month this event provides a chance to meet your fellow residents in an informal atmosphere.

It also provides an opportunity for any new arrivals in Farringdon to introduce themselve to their fellow villagers and catch up on who's who.

In addition to the regular features , the Plant Stall, the produce and Gift Stall and, of course the Coffee and Biscuit dispensing team, a selection of cakesthere were an additional attraction, duly noted by one of the younger residents.

Farringdon Horticultural Society are now on line - Updated 25th January 2020

The Farringdon Horticultural Society have launched their own website to keep you up to date with all the garden related activity. Horticultural events will still be listed in the 'Biz' Village Diary but for full details, or to find out exactly what the gardeners of Farringdon have been up to, click on the 'F.H.S. Website' button on the left and all will be revealed in a brand new page!!


Christingle Candles light up the Church - Updated 23rd December 2019

The Annual Christingle Service on Sunday Evening was, as usual, very well supported for the retelling of the Traditional Christmas Story . . . more

Farewell to the Parish Clerk - Updated 14th December 2019

Claire GibbsClaire Gibbs, the Parish Clerk has, very successfully, been keeping the Farringdon Parish Council on the straight and narrow for some while.

Unfortunately for Farringdon, Claire is moving on to pastures new and we wish her every success in the future, wherever that takes her.

This leaves a vacancy for a Parish Clerk which, hopefully, will be filled in the not too far distant future.

The Master of Ceremonies

Over 65's Christmas Party 2019 - Updated 13th December 2019


On the 10th December Your Master of Ceremonies, David Hartley was welcoming guests to The Church which, once again, provided the seasonal backdrop for the Farringdon Over 65's Christmas Party, one of the few events of the year when residents turn out en masse for a very convivial evening.

The organisers and helpers are to be congratulated for all their efforts on the days around the event and the time spent fund raising and organising the throughout the year which ensures a very enjoyable evening for everybody attending.

Thanks to the generosity of the organisers, the 'Biz' Photographer is now officially invited, providing his long suffering wife is there to keep him in order.

A selection of pictures from the evening can be found here


cakesfarringdon Christmas Fair - Updated 8th December 2019

The Annual Farringdon Fair was held in and around All Saints Church on a very mild Saturday Morning with Mulled Ale, Hot Chestnuts and Mince Pies on sale as well as the usual "First Saturday in the month" Coffee Stall . . . . more

(Thanks to David Horton, the results of the Christmas Hamper Draw, held at the event, can be seen on the top right of this page) . . .


The FollyMassey's Folly Remembered - Updated 6th November 2019

Massey's Folly Remembered tells the story of The Folly and individual memories of the building and the place it held in the lives of those who used and looked after the building.
Massey's Folly Remembered is published one hundred years after the passing of The Reverend Thomas Massey who conceived and designed the Folly, although the building wasn't completed until some years after his death.
For copies contact Chrys Browne. - Purchase price is £5 or £6:50p with post and packaging.

New Appointment to Northanger Benefice - Updated 2nd November 2012

Rev. Carrie Walshaw

The Rev. Carrie Walshaw will be joining the Northanger Benefice as Assistant Priest in the New Year, once all the details and formalities are completed.

Carrie is currently an associate Vicar in the West Kent Parish of St Peter, Pembury.

RepairedLytch Gate refurbished - updated 26th October 2019

The Lytch Gate has now been refurbished and normal access into the Churchyard has now been restored.

I'm not sure if there are any weddings imminent, but the the next Bride and Groom to pose under the Lytch Gate can be assured that the structure will not collapse around them.

The new timbers stand out in the picture on the right but if the current weather continues they will soon weather in.

Why is there an old Boot* on the Font? Updated 6th October 2019

There is, of course a perfectly rational explanation as a sizeable congregation gathered in All Saints Church to celebrate Harvest Festival amid the floral decorations in All Saints Church . . more pictures on the Church Page

* (Just to avoid any misunderstanding the "Old Boot" referred to in the headline above is pictured on the right and is definitely not a veiled reference to any resident of Farringdon)

Macmillan Coffee Morning - Updated 28th September 2019

On Friday 27th September Linda and Patrick Ward were the hosts for the annual Farringdon Macmillan Coffee Morning.
Thanks to Gill Pears for a report and pictures of the event which can be found. . . here


Gret Onion ChallengeThe Great Onion Challenge - Updated 14th September 2019

On Saturday 6th September, the Horton Marquee was the venue for the weigh-in of 2019 Farringdon Giant Onion Challenge .

In the Spring of this year, each entrant was provided with half a dozen sets of the same onion variety. grown from seed by David Horton.

After much tender care, watering and feeding with all sort of dubious concoctions, the growers involved were asked to select their heaviest specimen for the 2019 weigh-in. more.

Farringdon Blooms at the summer show - Updated 16th August 2019

Another year and yet another colourful display as the gardeners of Farringdon gathered up their finest specimens and made their way to the Church on Saturday morning (10th Aug) for the 2019 Farringdon Horticultural Society Summer Show. . . . more

WaitingD-Day Commmemorative Drive - Updated 22nd June 2019

Quite a turnout along the Gosport Road on Saturday (22nd June) for the D-Day commemorative parade from Swanwick to Newbury.

Spectators were assembled in the sunshine as they waited, and waited a bit more, for the parade of vehicles re-enacting the journey made by General Dwight D Eisenhower from Swanwick to visit troops ahead of D-day.

The parade was dedicated to the memory of all those who took part in the Normandy Landings in 1944 many of whom never returned and are laid to rest in military cemeteries in Normandy.

A page of pictures can found here


Pub of the YearPub of the Year 2019 - Updated 8th May 2019

The local branch of CAMRA has voted the Golden Pheasant as their 2019 Pub of The Year and on Tuesday evening (7th May) David was presented with his award by Shirley Hawley, CAMRA secretary.

East Hampshire CAMRA select their winner from all the pubs in the GU 34 postal area.

Local winners go forward to the next level of the competition and the National Pub of the Year is selected from the regional winners.

Thisi is the second time around for the Pheasant with the George in Alton taking the honours for the intervening couple of years.

Both Farringdon pubs, The Golden Pheasant and the Rose and Crown, feature in the
CAMpaign for Real Ales 'Good Beer Guide 2019'

Spring Show Prizewinners - Updated 15th April 2019

Farringdon Horticultural Society took over the Church on Saturday (13th April) for the Annual Spring Show which ran like clockwork in the absence of your reporter (absent due to other commitments), a situation much appreciated by all present.

After suitable grovelling apologies to the FHS chair, your reporter can now reveal that, after totting up the points, Cally Horton picked up top honours with FHS Chair, Phyll Watts, in second place and Christine Bohringer in third place overall

Chrys Browne's photograph won the "March 29th" competition and Christine Bohringer's Easter Cake proved irresistable to the Judges.

Steve to the rescue - Updated 3rd March 2019

Access to the Churchyard from the Lychgate has now been restored, at least for a while, when Steve Watts swung into action last week. . more

The great onion challenge - Updated 2nd March 2019

The gardeners of Farringdon are already nurturing their entries for the Horticultural Society Spring Show on 13th April but, in a quiet corner of Horton Towers, onion sets are receiving very special attention. For, in early April, a half dozen of these Ailsae Onion plants, which are alleged to reach around 10lbs when fully grown, will be distributed to each of the Farringdon Residents competing in the 2019 Great Onion Challenge.

The Seeds were sown just before Christmas and the plants will be available for distribution to competitors sometime in early April. As some of you may remember from last year, the planned weigh-in was scheduled to take place at the Summer Horticutural Show but due the lack of rain the event was postponed until the 1st September, we can only hope the weather is more helpful this year.

To give the growers some idea of how many plants will be required would prospective competitors, who haven't already done so, please email David to register your interest.

If the scurrilous and devious attempts made by some competitors to confuse the scales at the 2018 weigh-in are anything to go by, the adjudication team will have their work cut out to ensure this prestigious award finds a worthy home.


Every four years the Parish Council is legally bound to hold elections to appoint Councillors for the following four years.
This year, 2019, is an election year in Farringdon and all who are keen to serve and support the community
in this way are invited to stand for election
. . . . more



Hugo's Brexit Almanac for 2019 - Updated 2nd January 2019

   Usually at this time of Year, we search out Ms. Aphelia Boddy, the infamous Farringdon Astrologer, and persuade her to give us the benefit of her Astrological Predictions for Village Residents in the coming year.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances Ms Boddy is not available so, more in desperation than hope, we have persuaded a the former diplomat and resident of Farringdon The Hon. Hugo Gandersnatch to provide us with his: Brexit Almanac for 2019


Christingle Candlelight - Updated December 23rd 2019

Candles in the Church


The Christmas story is retold at the Annual Christingle service and the Younger Farringdon residents bring their parents along to join them in All Saints Church.

More pictures on the Church Page

Farringdon Carol Singers on song - Updated 22nd December 2018

The Farringdon Carol Singers were out and about at various venues around the Village on Friday evening (21st Dec) and thanks to your generosity they raised the handsome sum of £337.76 for Winchester Night Shelter.

There is also a short video of the singers in action on the Rose & Crown Facebook Page

( Apologies for the quality of the pictures below, (although most of you will not be in the least surprised) but your photographer was juggling with a Carol sheet, torch and Camera in the dark)

Carols 2018carols 2018


Record Numbers for the Christmas Dinner - Updated 14th December 2018

Almost 90 diners gathered in the Church for the 2018 Over 60's Christmas Dinner, one of the few occasions nowadays when the residents of Farringdon turn out in force . . . more

Over 60's 2018

Christmas Bazaar at all saints - Updated 9th December 2018

The rain held off for this years Christmas Bazaar held in All Saints Church yesterday (Sat 8th) encouraging a sizeable proportion of Farringdon residents to sample the wares (and Mulled Wine!) on offer. . . . more

Farringdon Remembers 11-11-18 - Updated 11th November 2018

100 years after the end of the First World War the Poppy Appeal in Farringdon raised a total of £1713.76, the final total will be in the region of £1900 when gift aid is added.

Clive Elderton, organiser of the annual Poppy Appeal would like to extend his thanks to the generosity all those who contributed or helped to achieve this highest ever contribution from the Villagers of Farringdon.


Coffee and Clear Up - Updated 5th November 2018

The strimming team were in action in the Church yard last Saturday (3rd Nov) in an operation carefully timed to coincide with the monthly Coffee Morning. . . . more on the Church News Page

Farringdon Horticultural Society Summer Show 2018 & the Great onion challenge - Updated 29th July 2018

Since the show report was posted ( I know this was weeks ago but due to old age and increased stupidity The 'Biz' Editor failed to post a link to the show report from the this page!) the Great Onion Challenge Weigh-In (Originally planned to take place at the show but postponed because of the dry weather) was held at the Thatched Cottage on 1st September.. . . more

Smoke Signals from Farringdon.net - Updated 5th August 2018

Some of you may have observed, towards the end of last week, a large volume of smoke spiralling upwards from an area adjacent to the original Operations Room of the Farringdon Net e-mail production centre. It was generally supposed that the Controller of the aforementioned operation was experimenting with smoke signals as an alternative means of communication in case a hard, very hard or not at all soft Brexit, led to an interruption of the electronic circulation system.

This was in fact not the case as it transpires that the smoke was the result of an over exuberant pair of bonfires setting fire to a small area of grassland. The arrival of the Fire Brigade eventually, despite one or two initial operational difficulties, led to the fire being extinguished without any serious damage to life, limb or those of a nervous disposition. The compostion of emails continues unabated and was not interrupted by this temporary difficulty.

Open gardens 2018 - Updated 1st July 2018

A selection of Farringdon Gardens were exposed to public scrutiny for The Farringdon Horticultural Society Open Gardens Day 2018 on the 10th of June. To the great relief of all concerned the 'Biz' photographer was unable to attend, but the Horticultural Society had a proper photographer on hand in the shape of Mark Westcott.

Mark has generously allowed the 'Biz' to publish a page of his photos taken on the day which can be perused here


Barn Owl 01



Annual Census Day 2018 - Updated 24th June

This is the time of year when the Barn Owl Boxes scattered around the farms that surround Farringdon are checked to see how this years broods are doing. This youngster was one of two which would appear to be around three weeks old.

The chicks would normally be much bigger than this at this time of year but with the appalling weather earlier in the year all the Owls seem to have delayed their egg laying until the weather improved.

The eggs are laid in succession but hatch around the same time so there is quite a variation in the size of the chicks and when food is scarce the smallest chicks are sometimes on the menu for the larger ones. At the moment all is well and both the chicks in this box were fairly well nourished.

Celebrating Sue Fifield's Award - Updated 23rd May 2018

Some of the younger generation of Farringdon who gathered in the Church on Sunday afternoon (20th May) to celebrate the award of the British Empire Medal to Susan Fifield - More Pictures on the Church Page

Sue and Fans

A Quiet day in the countryside ?? - Updated 7th May 2018

You've cycled to a quiet Hampshire Village and settled down to enjoy a picnic in shade. The sun is shining, the birds are singing in the Churchyard and the leaves on the trees are ruffled by a gentle breeze. What better way to spend a day out and enjoy the peace and quiet of the Hampshire countryside. What could possibly go wrong? . . . more


Farringdon Spring Show 2018: results - Updated 30th April 2018

Fortunately for the participants you reporter was unable to attend the Farringdon Horticultural Society Spring Show but thanks to Chris Bohringer we can reveal the overall winners as adjudicated by Mr Wilf Simcox.

Overall winner: Phyll Watts
2nd place: Calley Horton
3rd place: Mo Biggs
Floral Art: Susan Fifield BEM
Best entry in show: Chrys Browne


Rubbish collected by volunteers during the
Farringdon Litter Pick on 24th March

Load Of Rubbish

The two defibrillators in the disused phone boxes at Shirnall Hill crossroads
and Parsonage Close are now in full operational mode.
Clive has produced a leaflet as a reminder for those who attended the courses at the Golden Pheasant or similar courses elsewhere.
First aid Leaflet (opens in a blank page)

If you were unable to attend either of the sessions further sessions maybe arranged, so if you'd like to volunteer for training please contact the Clerk and let her know whether an evening, weekend or weekday session would be best for you.
Claire Gibbs: Parish Clerk



disappointing turnout at village meeting - Updated 9th April 2018

 Despite the Wine and Refreshments on offer, the turnout at the Annual Farringdon Village Meeting, held in the Church on the 4th April, was somewhat disappointing. . . .more

villagers of the year presentation - Updated 25th October 2018

Once again the 'Biz' photographer was in action at the Rose and Crown, this time for the presentation of the Farringdon and Chawton Parish Magazine, Villager of the Year Awards. . . more

THe tin soldiers - Updated 25th October 2017

The Rose and Crown was overflowing on Thursday night (15th Feb) for the launch of The Tin Soldiers, The first novel from Farringdon author Jeremy Cowans. . . more

100 years and still going strong - Updated January 31st 2018

Gill's Banner

Gill Pears' Banner (above) featured prominently as the Members of Farringdon Womens Institute celebrated their 100th Anniversary at the Rose and Crown on the 22nd January . . more


Susan Ann  Fifield BEMNew year honour for Sue - Updated 4th January 2018

Congratulations to Sue Fifield who has received an award in the New Years Honours.
"For her services to the community in Farringdon"

Sue is now a Medallist of the Order of the British Empire (BEM).

Sue will be presented with her Medal by the Lord Lieutentant of Hampshire, Nigel Atkinson Esq, and will also be attending a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.


Susan Fifield BEM


- Updated 4th January 2018

For those few who may not be aware, the Village Hall Committee, who administer the Village Hall Charity are also members of Farringdon Parish Council so for practical purposes the meetings are held on the same evening.

  First up was the Village Hall Committe AGM, Officers were re-elected en masse and after the usual formalities it was announced that negotiations were in hand with landowners with a view to obtaining a site for a New Village Hall.
   For obvious reasons the details will not be made public until the discussions are more or less completed, but progress is being made and hopefully, an agreement can be reached in the not too far distant future.
  Assuming these negotiations are successful, what might be more contentious is reaching an agreement on the final design of the building and obtaining grants to provide sufficient finance to purchase a site and complete the project.

  The Farringdon Parish Council meeting followed and, we could, if the two candidates are officially co-opted have a full quota of nine Councillors at the next meeting.
  The Parish Precept will be unchanged in the coming year so you won't have to dig any deeper into your pockets for the Parish Council although it is possible other precepts and charges may increase the impending Council Tax/Community Charge demand.
   It was agreed to provide a new Parish notice board adjacent to Parsonage Close to replace the board on the Folly which will disappear when construction eventually begins. The PC also accepted, without comment, the minor revisions to the Crows Lane planning application.


Headlines from 2017



Carol Singerscarol


It must be nearly Christmas as
the Farringdon Carol Singers were out in force on Thursday evening . (21st Dec)

Christingle Service - Updated 20th December 2017

The annual Christingle service was held in All Saints Church on Sunday 17th December . . more

Is That Santa???Father Christmas at the Golden Pheasant - Updated 20th December 2017

A number of younger than usual customers were assembled put side the Golden Pheasant last Saturday (16th Dec) after a rather special visitor was spotted in Church Road . . . more

dining in style - Updated December 18th 2017

The Farringdon Over 60's Christmas Dinner was held in All Saints Church last Thursday (14th Dec). One of the highlights of the local calendar, this event has been, with one or two exceptions, a regular annual event since the first Over Sixties Dinner was held in 1971 . . more

Road works on A32 - Updated 21st November 2017

Road works to maintain the existing drainage system, which consists of ordinary watercourses, the main river and highway drainage are planned to start in late November/early December.

The first of two phases (Phase 1a) is between Mary Lane and Woodhouse Lane. The latest information about the planned works and apparently a map of exactly what is planned where can be found on the Hants Planning Pages (link opens in a new page)

going, going, gone - Updated 27th November 2017

The dead sycamore in the Churchyard was finally laid to rest last Friday (24th Nov) and is now distributed around the village in residents log stores.

Felling 02Felling 01felling 03
Felling 04Logs


have we we seen the last flood on the a32? - Updated 25th October 2017

 The East Hampshire District Council press office has been making a lot of noise about the £300,000 allocated to the "Flood Prevention scheme on the A32" but will the problem be solved?. , , more

KEEP YOUR HOME SECURE - updated 24th October 2017

While not wishing to create a panic, there have been four attempts to gain access to Farringdon premises during daylight hours in recent weeks. In one case an intruders managed to enter a property and some items were stolen, others attempts failed to gain entry to dwellings although some items were removed from an outbuilding but were found abandoned nearby and returned to the owner.

If you see anything suspicious please attempt to use the 101 service, (there have been occasional problems with accessing this service) to report any incidents to the Police or 999 but only if it is a genuine emergency.

Clear Up at the Rose - Updated 24th September 2017

The Rose and Crown, deserted since the pub closed in February this year, became a hive of activity on Sunday Morning following the call for volunteers to clear up the gardens and the interior . . . . more.

Rose & Crown to Re-Open - updated 10th September 2017

The Rose and Crown was sold at auction last week (7th September) and a successful bid secured the premises for Steve and Debbie Newton. We now await developments or refurbishments and possibly a reopening around Christmas!

On Sunday 24th September, starting at 10:00 am Rob and Nicky Jarman are organising a volunteer Rose & Crown garden clear up party.
Volunteers will need garden tools and equipment, big and small. Rob and Nicky will provide BBQ food, hot drinks and other refreshments.
They would welcome your support but please let them know if you can help (for catering purposes). Everyone welcome.

Flowers, vegetables & A Downpour - Updated 9th August 2017

First Saturday morning in August, a steady stream of villagers conveying an assortment of flowers and vegetables towards the Church and a reception committee in the porch. It must be the Farringdon Horticultural Society Summer Show. . . more

Alton Sports Centre - RePlacement or Downgrade? - Updated 31st May 2017

Alton District Sports Council have launched a campaign against East Hampshire District Council plans to replace the existing Sports Centre with a Leisure Centre rather than a dedicated Sports Centre. . . . more

Clear up on the Corner - Updated 21st May 2017

   Farringdon Womens' Institute members have been tidying up the area down by the crossroads on the A32. Their efforts have been recorded for posterity and the evidence can be reviewed on the W.I. page .

hampshire County Council election results - updated 9th May 2017

It will come as no surprise that Mark Kemp-Gee has been re-elected as County Councillor for the Alton Rural Constituency. The Full results are listed on the Parish Page.

SUNSHINE FOR THE SPring Show - Updated 30th March 2017

Sunlight shone on entries for the Farringdon Horticultural Society Show, held in the Church on Saturday (25th March) as the gardeners of Farringdon prepared their exhibits for the scrutiny of the Judges. . . . more

A load of old rubbish? - Updated 5th March 2017

The area adjacent to the Phone Box on the A32 seems to have been targeted by the fly tipping brigade, but all is not what it seems . . . . more

new Parish Clerk for Farringdon - Updated March 3rd 2017

There were two Clerks keeping the Councillors in order at the Farringdon Parish Council Meeting held last night, (2nd March) Claire Gibbs, the newly appointed Parish Clerk and Sue Hobbs, who has been doing noble service as Locum Parish Clerk for the last few months . . . . more

Massey's Folly Development Plans Approved - Updated 12th January 2017

The Southdowns Park planning authority has, at long last, approved the Planning Application for the conversion of Massey's Folly . . . more

HOME LIBRARY SERVICE - Updated 6th January 2017

The Home Library Service is is provided for people who find it difficult to get to their nearest library due to ill health, disability or caring responsibilities.This service is free and available in all Hampshire County Council libraries, including Alton library.

Once an arrangement is set up one of the local volunteers will visit to exchange library materials on a monthly basis. All volunteers are DBS (CRB) checked and comply with instructions and standards as set out by library staff. We appreciate that often the social contact with a volunteer is as important as the library items they choose and deliver.

There are no charges to hire audio books, and no overdue charges for late returns. We can deliver a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books in standard and large print formats, specialist books and items from our Reminiscence collection, audio books on CD, MP3 CD (a whole book on one disc) and Playaways which are easy to use digital players.

We can also offer National Talking newspapers and Magazines which can be downloaded onto a memory stick and listened to through any device with an MP3 USB connection. If you know someone who could benefit from this service, or if you know of anyone who would like to join our team of volunteers, please talk to staff at your nearest library, call us on 0300 555 1387, or apply online


Headlines 2016


CrowsmapCommon sense at last in Crows lane? - Updated November 30th 2016

 For many years a succession of unacceptable plans for high density housing on the meadow on the eastern side of Crows Lane have been put forward on behalf of the landowners.

At long last, a realistic planning application has been made to build eight, detached, three bedroomed houses on the site. . . . more


ObeliskWhat's going on around the Phone Box? - Updated 15th Oct 2016

   Those of you who make us of the crossroads at the bottom of Shirnall Hill may have noticed some unusual activity in the area recently. A number of well known Farringdon residents appear to be erecting some sort of monument adjacent to the Bench on the corner.

Is it a phone mast, the centrepiece for some pagan ritual or a camouflaged speed camera?

The answer can be found on the WI page . . . .

summer show time - Updated August 9th 2016

   A few days of warm weather may have tempted you out into the garden to enjoy the summer sun but there is a serious competition looming, far more important then the minor goings on in Rio de Janeiro.

the 2015 Summer ShowYes, it's that time of year when the Horticulturists of Farringdon scour their flower beds and vegetable patches for that perfect specimen, when the cooks polish up their cooking utensils and select their finest offerings for The 2016 Farringdon Horticultural Society Summer Show on the 13th August.

Once again the Church will be full of Blooms, Vegetables, an assortment of Cakes and other edible offerings, crafts and photographs displayed for the scrutiny of their fellow villagers and the adjudication of the Judges. Last year was the first time the event had been held in the Church and with the weather forecast set fair there is a fair chance that this years event will be an even more colourful.

Harvest permitting*, the 'Biz' photographer will be in action to record the event but don't let that put you off, he will be outnumbered by the far more intelligent and friendly residents of Farringdon who will be delighted if you join in the competition or simply come along to see the display.

*Unfortunately harvest was not permitting, much to the relief of those who did attend.

Has the World Gone Mad! - updated 14th July 2016

   You gather up the Bucket and Spade, head off for a few days at the seaside and come back to find we've cast off from Europe, the Prime minister has resigned, Farage has resigned (again), The Chancellor of the Exchequer has resigned just in time to avoid the heave ho, most of the Shadow Cabinet has resigned and the Leader of the Labour Party is still refusing to resign.
They're resurfacing Gaston Lane and Hall Lane, in the case of the latter just in time for two congenital idiots to have a head on just inside the Parish border despite the warning signs every couple of hundred yards.,
Theresa May is now Prime Minister, the United States is threatening to elect Donald* Trump as President when there is a perfectly capable Woman available for the job and Machiavelli Gove has been given the elbow.
On lighter note you may have seen Zoe Ball in white E-Type Jaguar heading through the village behind a camera car. She and Ian Waite, (who I am reliably informed appears on Strictly Come Prancing on the BBC) headed off down Hall Lane after recording an episode of a Celebrity Antique Show at the Auction Rooms adjacent to the 'Biz' newsroom. Now we know why they resurfaced the Lane!

*Much to the surprise of almost everyone, the United States not only threatened to, but actually did elect Don Trump to be the next President of the United States of America with a Vice-President, Mike Pence, who makes Trump's election "promises" seem almost normal !

Farringdon Open Gardens Pictures - Updated 17th June 2016

   After a heavy shower as the Gardens opened the weather was much better than the forecast with only the odd shower through the afternoon and even the occasional outbreak of sunshine. Despite the weather and the counter attraction of Her Majesty the Queen's birthday celebrations on the box there was a fair turnout of visitors (and residents) making the most of the opportunity to see what lies behind the garden walls of Farringdon (N.B. there are a large number of images on this page so it may take a little longer than usual to load). . . . more

new police commissioner for hampshire - Updated 8th May 2016

 The result you have all been waiting for, or possibly not, if the turnout of Farringdon Voters is anything to go by . . . more

the animals went in two by two . . .- Updated May 1st 2016

   The monthly Family Service held in All Saints Church this morning (1st May) included a number of four legged additions to the usual congregation as the Rev. Roger Job officiated at the Annual Pet's service . . . . more

Your village needs you - Updated 18th April 2016

   The current Farringdon Neighbourhood Watch Chief Coordinator, Bob Chase, has unfortunately been forced to resign for health reasons. This has created an opportunity for a public spirited resident to volunteer their services as Watch Coordinator for the Village. The Farringdon Neighbourhood Watch volunteers are keeping an eye on happenings in their various locations but are, currently, uncoordinated.

If you can spare a bit of time and feel this may be an opportunity to maintain the very low crime rate in Farringdon, or just want to find out what is required to co-ordinate the local volunteers please email Douglas Shewan's Farringdon.Net email service for more information.

In addition to his post as Farringdon NHW Coordinator, Bob was also Chairman of the Planning Committee on the Farringdon Parish Council.

His resignation from this post this post along with the previous resignations of FPC Vice-Chair Suzanne Anderton and Parish Councillor Richard Jarvis, means that there are, at present, only six FPC Councillors remaining, three councillors short of the full quota,

If you want to volunteer your services, or are interested in finding out more about the duties of local councillors please contact the Farringdon Parish Clerk Allison Speyer

Low turnout at village meeting - Updated April 7th 2016

   There was a disappointing turnout at the One Hundred and Twenty Second Farringdon Village Meeting held in Farringdon Church on Wednesday evening (6th April). Excluding those attending in an official capacity, approximately twenty Farringdon residents were in the audience to hear reports from Parish and County Councillors.
Perhaps those that stayed away had some inkling of the excitement that would be generated by Item number three on the Agenda, an "Update Briefing" from Hampshire County Councillors on the A32 Flood Action Group, which, from the report that followed would suggest that " .action . ." when used in regard to HCC activities might require a fairly liberal interpretation of the the accepted usage of the word. . . . . more

Sunshine clear up - Updated April 4th 2016

A rare outbreak of Spring sunshine provided encouragement for the volunteers working to clear up the Churchyard on Saturday morning, . . . more

One short of a full quota - Updated February 29th

   If you fancy something worthwhile to occupy yourself in the evenings, the resignation of Parish Councillor Richard Jarvis will leave the Farringdon Parish Council one short of their full quota, . . . more

Churchyard Research - Updated February 28th 2016

   For the last few years, Denise Maughan has been working for the Northern Benefice, mapping out local graveyards and creating a Memorial Book for each Church. After recording the grave markers Denise, who has been granted access to the burial books at the Records Office, creates a Memorial Book of People or Ashes buried in the Churchyard

Denise, who lives in Farringdon, works on voluntary basis and has been working at many local Churches including Chawton, East and West Worldham and Hartley Mauditt.

In addition to the Burial Records, Denise tries, where possible to put an obituary and photo next to each entry and, from Baptism and Marriage Records, tries to link families where no grave marker or plot is known.

Denise is currently working on Farringdon and Newton Valence Churchyards and would be interested to hear from you if you have family or friends buried at All Saints and would like to add an obituary or family photo. Denise can be contacted via email

LANE APPEAL REFUSED - Updated February 10th 2016

   The Appeal against the decision by East Hampshire Planning Authority to refusal to grant planning permission for fourteen houses alongside Crows Lane has been refused by the Inspector . . . . more



christmas Dining in the aisles - Updated December 15th 2015

   As the Village Hall is now permanently closed and awaiting the developers, the Organising Committee took the brave decision to hold the 2015 Over 60's Christmas Dinner in All Saints Church, with the kind permission of the Rev. Tony Pears. With no kitchen available, holding the event in the Farringdon Parish Church was obviously going to pose logistical problems. . . . more

MEMORIES OF MASSEY’S FOLLY - from Chrys Browne December 7th 2015

   Many thanks to everyone that has responded to my request for memories of The Folly. I have enjoyed listening and recording the many different facets of life in the village and The Folly. When I started the task I thought it would take some time to gather up information.

It seems that each person I talk to leads me on to explore another avenue! I would still like to hear from anyone that feels they have a story to tell and anyone that has any photographs hidden away of people/events taking place in The Folly – old school photo’s would be good. I can be contacted by e-mail, or tel: 588584.
Many thanks for your ongoing support. Chrys Browne

Rural Crafts in the Rain - Updated November 16th 2015

Those travellers along Hall Lane, at least those who weren't driving too fast to notice, may have observed a troop of intrepid choppers setting about the Hedge alongside Plash Lane . . . more

CROWS LANE PLANNING APPEAL - Updated November 9th 2015

   At the time of publishing no date has been set for the hearing of the Appeal lodged by the Applicant against Planning Refusal for 14 Dwellings on the Paddock on the East side of Crows Lane.

The Farringdon Parish Council Planning Committee held a public meeting on 24th September to discuss the appeal.
The minutes of that meeting and other relevant documents associated with the appeal are available on the Parish Pages.

summer show in all saints - Updated August 23rd 2015

   The Farringdon Horticultural Society Summer Show, held on the 8th August, (Yes I know it was weeks ago, but due to harvest commitments your reporter has been a bit deprived of spare time for web site updates) was forced to move to a different venue this year following the completion of the sale of Massey's Folly. By kind permission of the Rev. Tony Pears, the 2015 show was held in All Saints Church. Despite the enforced amendments to the schedule, the move proved popular with exhibitors, with a healthy entry in all classes . . . . more

waiting at the chuRch - Updated August 15th 2015

   On the first day of August, the small party of visitors making their way across the Church Green to examine the ancient yew in the churchyard must have have been somewhat bewildered to find a large group of very jovial Farringdon Residents loitering in the vicinity of the Church . . . . more

A FOND Farewell to the folly - Updated July 22nd 2015

The Old School Playground came to life again as Farringdon made the most of the last celebration to be held in the Rev. Thomas Massey's Folly, which will be officially handed over to the new owners at the end of the month. . . . . more

New Parish Council - New Chairman - updated 21st May 2015

  After the longest Parish Council Meeting for some time the pecking order most of the newly elected parish councillors has now been established . . well almost . . . .more

Folly sale contract signed - Updated May 2nd 2015

  The sale of Massey's Folly came one step nearer completion during an extraordinary meeting of the Farringdon Parish Council on Friday evening (1st May) . . . . . more

SPRING SUNSHINE - Spring Show - Updated April 21st 2015

   With Spring definitely in the air this year, the Farringdon Horticultural Society Spring Show attracted a selection of spring flowers from village gardens to the Village Hall . . . . .more

full house for village meeting - Updated April 3rd 2015

The 2015 Annual Village Meeting, held in the Village Hall on April 1st, was well supported this year, possibly the last time the meeting will be held in Massey's Folly . . . . . .more

Solar Farm switch on - Updated 22nd March 2015

After several technical problems and not a lot of help from the weather, the Upper Farringdon Solar Farm was connected to the grid on Friday 20th March, so, during daylight hours, your electrical demands might be partially or totally supplied by electricity generated by the solar panels installed beside Gaston Lane. . . . . more

classic wheels and willing walkers - Updated March 15th 2015

The offer of a marquee for the day was was not an opportunity to be missed and at fairly short notice a walk and a gathering of classic vehicles was organised at Fielders Farm . . . . more


Folly sale eventually moves into final phase - Updated December 31st 2014

   At an Extraordinary Meeting of Farringdon Parish Council on yesterday evening the Councillors present voted unanimously to accept one of the three bids to buy Massey's Folly. . . . .more

All Saints Church

'Twas the sunday before christmas - Updated December 22nd 2014

   With Carol Singers in The Street, assorted festive lights on the cottages and a desperate haunted expression on the face of those (predominantly male!) residents who still haven't managed to find the perfect present and are hoping someone comes up with an idea before Christmas Morning, the last Sunday before Christmas was an opportunity for the Rev. Robin Ewbank to retell the original Christmas Story to the Children of the Parish at the Annual Christingle Service. . . . . more

Planning Meeting goes over old ground - Updated December 17th 2014

   The Meeting of the Farringdon Parish Council Planning Committee held this evening (Wednesday 17th) was well attended, despite the rain, as yet another variation on the Crows Lane Application came up for discussion. . . . more

Christmas dinner number 43 - Updated December 14th 2014

   Farringdon Christmas festivities begin in earnest as 76 of the more senior village residents enjoyed yet another excellent Christmas dinner in the village hall. . . . . . . . more

Yet another application for Crows lane - Updated November 30th 2014

  Yet another planning application has been made to build houses on the Eastern side of Crows Lane, in the current incarnation the number of houses has been reduced from 20 to 14 . . . . more

Serious Fire at Hartley business park- Updated October 22nd 2014

Fire crews from East Hampshire were called to an intense fire in an Industrial Unit at Hartley Business Park last night (21st October). Strong winds were driving fumes and thick smoke across Selborne Road which was temporarily closed to traffic between the Round House crossroads and the Hall Lane junction, causing a dramatic, albeit temporary, increase in traffic through Farringdon.
No one was injured in the fire which completely destroyed one barn and . . . . . .more

solarSolar farm construction continues - Updated October 17th 2014

Those who pass along Gaston Lane will have noticed that the construction of the Solar Farm on the southern side of the lane is progressing apace. The contractors are now assembling the support structures for the Solar Panels. Incidentally this is the view from the 'Biz' Control Centre, about a mile away from the site.

Full house for the village quiz - Updated October 3rd 2014

The latest venture from the Village Hall Social Club proved to be the most popular event so far as the Hall was filled to capacity for the Quiz night on 19th September. . . . more


With exquisite timing timing, Farringdon Horticultural Society held their Annual Summer Show the day before the remnants of Hurricane Bertha blew into the gardens of Farringdon . . .more

The Willow taken some years ago when the first problems began to appearFarewell to the Willow - Updated July 20th 2014

The Weeping Willow which has been a feature of the Rose and Crown Pub Garden for many years will shortly be no more.

Although diseased and damaged branches were removed some time ago the problems have now spread to the main trunk and Lynne and Russell have been left with no choice and the tree will have to be felled before it fells customers using the Pub garden. If all goes to plan the Willow will be felled on Monday (21st) so the garden will obviously be off limits while the tree is cleared.

D-Day Dance - Updated June 30th 2014

Friday 13th? No worries for Farringdon residents who, in cunning disguises, were making their way to the Village Hall for the D-Day Dance, the latest in a series of events organised by the Farringdon Village Hall Social Group. . . . .more

anti-invasion defences erected - Updated 3rd March 2014

A few travellers passing up and down Gaston lane have become somewhat agitated by both the potholes and the activity in a neighbouring field.. . . . .more

Ship Ahoy!Unusual Traffic on the A32 - updated 18th Feb 2014

   Ducks are moderately successful going downstream but for those wishing to go upstream, a Kayak is a suitable alternative.
Thanks to Denise Maughan for sending in this picture of a pair of intrepid explorers, heading south, to explore the upper reaches of Gosport Road on Sunday morning (16th Feb).
No sightings of Crocodiles or Piranhas were reported and, unlike the ducks (see below), the vessel remained upright for the entire voyage.

The Duck Racesun shines on the Farringdon Duck race - Updated February 16th 2014

   Blue skies and sunshine brought out a large audience from all parts of the village for the Farringdon Duck Race which took place along a flooded section of the Gosport Road on Sunday morning.. . . more

Farringdon Flooding update
- Updated 15th February 2014

Shirnall view residents will be relieved to see this picture showing the first fall in flood levels since water appeared behind their houses a couple of weeks ago . . . more

rising flood levels close a32 in farringdon - Updated 11th Feb 2014

  A combination of heavy rain over night and rising groundwater have resulted in more extensive flooding along the A32 Gosport Road which is now closed to through traffic in Farringdon.
With care, to avoid sending a wave of water into Shirnall View, it is possible to get across the main road to Brightstone Lane. Both Gaston Lane and Hall lane are open although both can suffer temporary flooding after heavy rain. . . .more

Farringdon Village Hall – Social Group - Updated February 9th 2014

The inaugural meeting of the Group, which plans to organise regular social events in the Village Hall was held on Monday 20th January 2014. . . . more

Flooding reaches critical levels - Updated February 8th 2014

The rising water levels along the A32 have already forced some residents to leave their homes with flood water within inches of floor level on a number of other houses along the Gosport Road . . . . .more
Since the original article was posted, the A32, Gosport Road, in Farringdon,has been closed to through traffic.



Although there was some damage and a few fallen trees, the recent gales left the majority of Farringdon residents unscathed . . . .more

FARRINGDON PLAN 2030 Published - Updated 08 September 2013

Afternoon and evening presentations in the Village Hall on Friday 8th September, heralded the release of Farringdon 2030, the Farringdon Village Plan.(The Farringdon Plan is available online on this page). . . more

Coronation party - Updated June 21st 2013

The Vicarage Garden was the Venue for the Farringdon Coronation Party held in bright sunshine on the 2nd June . . . . .more

a rather special birthday - Updated February 18th 2013

Birthdays don't very often warrant a report on the 'Biz' pages but this party at the Rose and Crown was a rather special occasion as relatives and friends joined Eileen Howarth to celebrate her 102nd birthday . . . . more

A 'CraCKER' FOR CHRISTMAS - Updated December 28th 2012

Thanks to Sylvia Goodall and Simon Applegarth we have pictures from the two night run of the Fabulous Farringdon Follies Company "Christmas Cracker" Cabaret held in the Village Hall on the 7th and 8th of December . . . . more

FARRINGDON OPEN GARDENS 2012 - Updated 5th July 2012

Despite the weather, the Open Gardens Day raised £475 which has been donated to Alton Food Bank – a local worthy charity.

Much to the relief of the resident gardeners, your reporter was conducting an in depth survey of the local pubs in the South Western corner of England on Open Gardens Day. Fortunately Mr John Bohringer was out and about on the day and has generously provided the Biz nerve centre with his photos taken on the day, a selection of which are available in the Open Gardens Gallery

the big diamond jubilee lunch - Updated July 31st 2012

Two pages of picture from the very successful Diamond Jubilee Lunch held at Fielder's Barn on 2nd June . . . . . more

A SUNNY SUNDAY IN MAY. . . Updated 16th May 2011

Two pages of the exotic and not so exotic machinery that was on display on and around the Church Green and the flowers decorating the Church for the May, Magnolias and Motors day held in aid of All Saints Church . . . more


These distinctive yellow or blue salt/grit bins have been provided by Farringdon Parish Council and the contents by Hampshire County Council entirely to improve the safety of vehicles (and their occupants) using public roads. They are deliberately sited at three intersections not usually covered by EHDC gritting lorries and where there is an increased risk from snow and ice. Contractors were topping up the bin down by the A32 cross-roads on Sunday morning (19th Dec)
The contents are NOT FOR USE ON PRIVATE PROPERTIES and anyone seen removing the salt/grit contents
for their own use may be prosecuted for theft.
Granulated salt for use on private premises is widely available from local builder's merchants and hardware stores. - Farringdon Parish Council

FARRINGDON CHRISTMAS CABARET . . . Updated 12th December 2010

Two pages of pictures from Messrs. Wallace and Mills of the Farringdon Cabaret 2010. . . . .more

SNOW , SNOW AND YET MORE SNOW. . . Updated 6th January 2010

The Weather Forecasters were spot on this time, the heavy snow forecast duly materialised over night with an extra dose this morning, pictures from Claire Wallace and the staff photographer . . . . more

CINDERELLA DID GO TO THE BALL . . . .Updated 13th December 2009

Three pages of pictures from the Farringdon Production of Cinderella which drew to a successful close on Saturday night after four performances to enthusiastic audiences . . . more


If you have any comments, news, or other information you would like to see on this site then mail the 'Biz'

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