FARRINGDON PLAN 2030 Presentation - Updated 08 September 2013
Afternoon and evening presentations in the Village Hall on Friday 8th September, heralded the release of Farringdon 2030, the Farringdon Village Plan available online here .by Vision 2030 co-ordinator Clive Elderton
Message from Clive Elderton:
I am most grateful to all members of the Village for their support, input and encouragement throughout the preparation of the Farringdon Village Plan 2030.
It was very good to see so many of you at the launch and formal handover of the Plan to the Parish Council.
I do hold spare hard copies of the Plan and would happily provide a copy to those not already in possession of a copy on receipt of an email .
I must also place on record for those not at the launch my sincere thanks to Honor Garrard, Claire Wallace, Andy Partridge, Mike Ravenhill and John Prynne, core members of my project team who in so many ways contributed above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that the Village Plan was of the very high quality our very special village deserves.
The Team and I were hugely grateful to those who entered the photographic competition we held to find illustrations and I would reiterate congratulations to our winners Sophia Anderton, Robin Baumber, Bob Stevens and Nick Webb. Several people have asked whether they could have copies of the images however I regret that at this stage the copyright of the photographs remains with the photographers.
However I am in discussion with them about how we may make them available, perhaps on CD, in the future. So please bear with us and watch out for future announcements. Thank you all again for your support, I now look forward to our shared journey to deliver our Vision 2030!
Clive Elderton, Co-ordinator Farringdon Vision 2030
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