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Current Elected Trustees:

John Cavendish,
Andy Clegg,
John Constable
Penny Cushing,
John Hustler
Sonia Ranger
Sally Ravenhill

Andy Clegg (Parish Council). . . 22, Shirnall Meadow, Lower Farringdon
John Constable. . . . . . . . . . . .Forge Barn Shirnall Hill, Upper Farringdon
John Hustler . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Penny Cottage, Westview Gardens, Crows Lane

The Trust has now purchased the plot planned for the New Village Hall before the Purchase option expired earlier this year.

Currently Planning Permission for a new Hall has not been passed and the Committee are working to produce a design for a smaller and more realistic and sustainable plan for the New Building.

NEW C.I.O. Village Hall Committee approved - Updated January 2024

The Charity Commision have approved the formation of a new Village Hall Charity Commitee incorporating Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) rules. In essence, this protects Members of the Charity from excessive personal liability in their organisation and limits the amount that can be reclaimed, providing they haven't been involved in any dubious or illegal financial activities!

Vilage Hall SiteAll Farringdon Residents are eligible to become a voting member providing they agree to the maximum financial responsibility of £1 if the VHC becomes insolvent. A letter will has been circulated to residents, inviting them to join the the new VHC under the new CIO status.

Residents will also be informed and supplied with an information pack about how to stand for election as a Trustee and a "Being a Trustee" Pack to explain the responsibilities inolved.

The VHC have an option (which expires in April this year) to purchase around 2.5 acres to the North of the Pheasant Car Park. (shown right, although this site plan will alter considerably!) This area is, currently, the only site under consideration for a new Hall.

Towards the end of last year the VHC were contacted by a Property Development Company who are invoved in building houses aimed at first time buyers, or older people, who want to downsize but remain within the community.The Developers were enquiring if some sort of joint approach, to build new properties as well as a Village Hall, was feasible.

These plans will be a major item of discussion by the reformed VHC but possibly indicates the site could be an asset to the Village.

All these options need to be considered and assessed by the New Commitee before thay make their final decision which is the reason the VHC is keen to get many villagers involved.

Currently, until new members are incorporated and an AGM is held to appoint the full number of Trustees, Andy Clegg, John Hustler and John Constable ?Penny Cushing? are the only Trustees.

If you have any questions about Trusteeship or the committee, please Email John Constable

Farringdon Village Hall Trust Meeting - Held Wed 8th Nov at 7pm in All Saints Church


Currently, the Charitable Trust is managed by the Farringdon Parish Council, who took over control to protect the previous Committee members from responsiibility for any major financial demands for restoration repairs of the listed building.

Since that change, the introduction of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) trust in 2013, enabled Charities could obtain Corporate (Limited Liability) Status and register with the Charity Commission. The Trust took legal advice and was recommended to form a new Association/Membership model.

In April 2023, the Parish Council (Then the sole Trustee) set up a small Management Committee of 3, with John Hustler as Treasurer, John Constable as Secretary and Andy Clegg as the Parish Council Representative. These three were entrusted to apply to the Charity Commission to set up a CIO by means of the key documents, using Charity Commission Templates.

Once these formalities were completed: the Current Committee would agree to dissolve and, all assets, liabilities and undertaking of the Charity transferred at no cost, to the new CIO Charity which would enter an agreement to give effect to this Transfer with the New CIO.

When this transfer is approved by the Charity Commission all residents of Farringdon will be invited to become a member with debts to the new organisation limited to £1.

Seven Trustees will be created, initially including the current Secretary, Treasurer and Parish Council Representative and four other Elected Farringdon Members. At the end of the First Year and at Annual General Meetings, all Trustees would be subject to re-election.

This process is under way and the new CIO will, sometime in the near future, take over the administration and management of the new CIO Charity once the financial accounts have been approved by the Charity Commission.

This needs to happen fairly soon as (assuming the Current Planning Application is passed) the option for the Farringdon Village Hall Charity to purchase the site ends on 24th April 2024.

Many Farringdon residents were concerned about the size, cost and current layout of the New Village Hall in the current Planning Application and it seems that the new organisation will review and possibly modify the existing planned structure to meet those concerns

The Official Result of the 2022 Yes/No Referendum?? on the New Village Hall Plans
for the site adjacent to the A32 are shown below.

Bar Graph

The Trust have, as promised, now published their 2023 - 31 page business plan
which is available to
download in pdf format

(opens in a fresh page)

Latest Trust Newsletter No 5 April 2022

November Newsletter 04 Newsletter 03 - Newsletter 02 - Newsletter 01

(links above will open a pdf (printable) document in a new page)

The 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Trust was held on Wed 4th May 2020

Farringdon Village Hall Charitable - Trust Meeting Held Wednesday July 3rd 2019 Key Messages

Farringdon Village Hall Charitable Trust - Meeting Held Wednesday 15th May 2019 - Key Messages

Reports and/or key messages from Farringdon Village Hall Charitable Trust meetings can also be found on the archive page

Planning Application.

The New Farringdon Village Hall moves on another step with submission of an application to the Southdowns Park giving more details of the building and general layout of the site North of the Golden Pheasant on the A32 Gosport Road.

The application documents can be viewed by entering the appliication ref: SDNP/21/05756/PRE into the search box on the SDNP Planning Portal (opens in a new page)

The Background Story

Following the sale of Massey's Folly in 2015, Farringdon was without a village hall and although some events have been transferred to the Church, space is limited and the Church lacks the facilities that were available in the Folly.

However the Village Hall Trust are committed to constructing a new, purpose-built, village hall using funds accumulated from the sale of the Folly and various grants and such contributions as can be extracted from the residents of Farringdon.

Initial negotiations to buy a plot of land fell through and a tree survey of the Churchyard established there was insufficient tree free space to site a new Hall in the Churchyard.

Undaunted, the Farringdon Village Hall Trust submitted an outline planning application for a "Community Building" on a site in the centre of the village adjacent to Shirnall Hill.

Site aerialAlthough the planning application was successful, negotiations to purchase the land fell through and the trust then put forward a revised plan on land owned by, and adjacent to, All Saints Church.

It soon became apparent that the South Downs National Park would block any application for a building to be constructed on this site and yet another plan fell by the wayside

Attention is now directed to a vacant site on the Western side of the A32 Gosport Road just next to the Golden Pheasant pub (see right).

The FVHCT is currently in negotiation with the various parties involved, in the hope that an agreement and the necessary approvals can be obtained to permit a New Village Hall to be erected on this site in the not too far distant future.

The completion of the project project can only be achieved if everything proceeding to plan and there have been a lot of 'ifs' in the various schemes so far..

When the situation allows, the Village Hall Trust are planning to hold a public consultation meeting later this year.


Village Hall Trust Newsletters - July 2021
(links below will open a pdf (printable) document in a new page)
Newsletter 01 - Newsletter 02

CHARITY TRUSTEE: Farringdon Parish Council

Farringdon Village Hall Charitable Trust - Annual General Meeting - Held Wednesday 2nd January 2019 - Key Messages

The Annual General Meeting of the Farringdon Village Hall Management Committee, held Wednesday 4th January 2017 Key Messages

Please note that following the 2017 AGM the former Farringdon Village Hall Management Committee is now the Farringdon Village Hall Charitable Trust

Village Hall Management Committee AGM held 10th Feb 2016 Draft Minutes
At the Meeting held on March 2nd 2016, The Parish Council voted unanimously
to dissolve the current Village Hall Management Committee

Farringdon Village Hall Committee meeting held Wednesday, 2nd September 2015 - Draft Minutes

Farringdon Village Hall Management Committee
Annual General Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Wednesday April 25th 2013 at 8:00 p.m.

At the Annual General Meeting the New Administrative Provisions were unanimously adopted in place of the previous Administrative Provisions.

Therefore the Farringdon Parish Council, having consented so to act, has been unanimously appointed as the sole trustee of the Charity; and all other trustees of the Charity have ceased to be trustees of the Charity.

Copies of the various Deeds of Trust are available in PDF format:

Trust Deed
23rd March 1960
Supplementary Deed
7th April 2006
November 2006
Supplementary Deed 2012

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