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Springtime clear up - Updated April 4th 2016  
A rare outbreak of Spring sunshine provided encouragement for the volunteers working to clear up the Churchyard on Saturday morning, making the most of a fine day to tidy up the hedgerows, cut the grass and tidy up the paths.
By the time your reporter was on the scene, the job was nearly completed. A fact pointed out by several participants including Clive and David who were clearing up the last of the rubbish inside the western perimeter near the Lych Gate. Clive and David





Tim, was navigating the mower, along the edge of the bank, taking care to not get too close to the edge of the drop onto the Manor Farm Drive

Waving to the audience



He even found time to acknowledge the arrival of the 'Biz' reporter, demonstrating his one handed driving skills. while navigating the various obstacles in his path.




Churchwardens Anne and Andrew were in discussion on the Church path where Andrew had almost finished tidying up the edges

Coffee time



All the Volunteers who turned out on the day retreated for a Coffee Break leaving the newly tidied churchyard looking splendid in the Spring sunshine.


Spring Sunshine

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