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A Quiet day in the countryside ?? - Updated 7th May 2018 | |
There were strimmers to the left, and strimmers to the right attacking the vegetation in the churchyard although there were one or two pit stops during the morning. |
Not everybody was armed with a strimmer, an assortment of generations were at work in the areas where a more delicate touch was needed to sort out the vegetation. |
With so many volunteers in action the Churchyard was soon looking spick and span.
There was an oasis of calm inside the Church as the Clear Up, despite two postponements due to the weather, was timed to coincide with the monthly Coffee Morning. There was an absence of male representatives when this picture was taken as strimming, in common with the traditional incineration of food on the barbecue is, even in these enlightened days, generally a male preserve. I'm not sure what these two activities have in common apart from the fact that both are often accompanied with the emission of clouds of pungent blue smoke and much muttering of traditional oaths.
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