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Father Christmas at the Golden Pheasant - Updated 20th December 2017  

A number of younger than usual customers were assembled put side the Golden Pheasant last Saturday (16th Dec) after a rather special visitor was spotted in Church Road

Is that who I think it is???

It was none other than Father Christmas himself heading for an appointment with the Children of Farringdon. (I'm sure I've seen Santa's Elves somewhere before!)

No Reindeer and Sleigh on this visit as the reindeer were resting before their long journey on Christmas Eve, (Although the lack of snow may have had some influence on the decision!)

Father Christmas at the Folly

Those waiting outside The Pheasant spotted Santa heading towards them down the Gosport Road. . .

On his way . . .Santa arrives!

Arriving at the Pheasant


. . and swinging into the car park.



Santa's Groom leapt into action to hold the Pony as Father Christmas prepared to dismount and meet his fans.


Santa Arrives . . .

Fathr Christmas

Sant and The Landlord


After a few photos, Santa, accompanied by David the Landlord of the Pheasant, headed into Santa's temporary grotto in the Pheasant to meet his fans in person.

There was a slight delay before the younger visitors were admitted while Santa conducted a short staff training session to make sure his temporary Elves, David and Emma, were up to speed with current festive practices and legislation . . .

Santa's Grotto
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