'Twas the week Before Christmas - Updated 19th December 2020
Despite the "not very festive" weather, requiring a change of transport from Reindeer and Sleigh to Wayne & Karen's Pony and Trap, Santa was out and about in Farringdon today picking up all those urgent requests from his fans.

After a brief halt by the Church to collect those important letters, Santa headed off to the Golden Pheasant Car Park where Santa's little helper, Karen the Elf! added even more letters to her Christmas Mail Bag.

Unfortunately the delightful December weather was getting into the 'Biz' camera lens and fogging up both equipment and your, already slightly foggy photographer.
A rapid mopping up session revived the camera just in time to catch Wayne Karena & Santa "Ho ho hoing" away from the Pheasant to Shirnall Hill.

Apologies to Shirnall Hill residents but your photographer was involved in a serious drying out session and had to make a dash for the following stop so was unable to capture images there but there are some excellent pictures and video on the Village Whatsapp pages.
Next stop was the Rose and Crown where more of Santa's fans were waiting although the taller fan in this picture seemed to be unwilling, or possibly unable to confirm that he had been very good boy all year.

By now it was raining fairly heavily and Santa was taken back to the North Pole for some Sherry and Mince Pies in front of a roaring fire!!.

Special Thanks to Santa, Wayne & Karen, for providing beautifully decorated luxury transport and to Peter Barber without whose assistance the event might not have taken place!!!