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Notes from Farringdon Parish Council Annual Meeting 9th July 2024

Once again the meeting was held without a Parish Clerk and short of the full number of Councillors but, there has been progress in the search for a New Parish Clerk and hopefully a replacement will be found soon.

The proposed verge work on part of Crows Lane is currently on hold after comments and letters from residents expressed concern about the possible increase in parking problems that might follow the current plan. It is planned to hold a Public Meeting for residents in the near future.

Plans to purchase new Rose Plants for the Memorial Garden were approved and thanks were expressed to Bahnstormer Motorcycles for agreeing to water the garden and keep an eye on the plants although there was some concern about the amount of litter in around the area.

It was agreed that the painting of the phonebox etc on the Crossroads would be chased up and completed shortly and the inspection of the Games area was also discussed, including the cost of annual inspections of equipment etc and it was agreed to review the arrangements for inspection of some equipment.

FPC accounts were also reviewed and the problem of setting up new signatures and general management of accounts was also discussed and will be in order very shortly and a Councillor took on the task of the review of Parish Documents to make sure all information was up to date.

Both Planning applications were discussed, some concern was expressed about the request to Fell a tree in SDNP/24/0243/TCA was expressed with a suggestion that pruning might be a more acceptable option and SDNP/24/02465 was passed without comment.

Funds for the Lych Gate works were reapproved due to increased costs (now £14,253.40) with delays were approved and a proposal for future FPC meetings to be held on Thursdays was also approved. Meetin closed at £8:30



Notes from Farringdon Parish Council Annual Meeting 14th May 2024

Due to combination of retirements and temporary absence a somewhat reduced Council set about the Annual Meeting.
Public Questions took a while due to the late arrival of David Horton who was concerned about the Lych Gate area upgrade now approved by the planning authority.
With the meeting underway Chair,Denise Maughan and Vice-Chair Andy Clegg were re-elected for another year and the minutes of previous meeting were approved.
A discussion on the refurbishment of the Lytch Gate area established that no extreme plans would be considered and surface.water run off needs to meet requirements
Village signs were discussed, argreement had been reached to remove the redundant Schools signs although the Village boundary signs were still under discussion.
Shirnal Meadows Playground refurbishments had been made and it was agreed to renovate the goal area and playground paintwork now the water levels had dropped
There was a agreed that a new Defibrillator course should be set up in combinition with other local councils to boost numbers and the West View Verge refurbishment was discussed.
Funacial Accounts were approved although another signature is now required for account cheques etc.
Rose Garden will be replanted later this year and future Counci Meetings will be held in the Royal Oak function room where wi-fi was available.
Road repair activity was curently at a standstill due to financial restraints.


Planning meeting April 2024

The April Planning meeting began with public comments on the current Application for the Folly, with Immediate neighbours David Horton and Mark Prynne making points about failure to adhere to planning permission and resulting drainage problems. In reply the Parish Clerk noted that all these problems had been included in comments in reference to a previous application.
Although the problem with drainage into the Prynne residence would require future remedial action. the current application was an attempt to allow a new contractor to proceed with the conversion in some way following the poor workmanship and failure to follow planning directives in the disastrous construction process of the previous developer Sutton.

The new pipework proposed as part of the drainage project also raised comment and it was generally agreed that pipework needed to feed into the culvert under New Road.

Other applications were approved in principal.

Biz Report - Notes from Farringdon Parish Council Meeting: 15th November 2023

All Parish Councillors were in attendance and Councillor Philip Davies who, with David Ashcroft are the two elected EHDC members for the Binsted, Bentley and Selborne district, which includes Farringdon.

There was a discussion on site ownership of Areas serviced by the FPC but it was agreed no action was needed as the areas were well established and recognised.

 After the usual initial proceedings, the lack of road clearance and sweeping on the A32 was raised and it was decided to contact HCC representative Mark Kemp-Gee to see if he could encourage some activity and Cllr Davies will meet and attempt to clear any confusion between the FPC and HCC.

 Currently no action planned to limit flooding around Cruck Cottage and also no action to clear the blocked manhole causing intermittent flooding at the bottom of Shirnall Hill.

 In addition to the two speed indicator cameras it was agreed to purchase a third camera, to make sure everybody was aware of the current limit.

 A complaint alleging Fly Tipping adjacent to Shirnall Hill was dismissed after it was established that the material distributed were hedge trimmings scattered by the machine cutting  the nearby hedge.

 The Council also approved changes as Tim Charrington has, after many years service, resigned as Chair of the Playground Charity which is now managed by Jeremy Cowans.

Allocation of funds, to finance maintenance, replacement and repairs of worn items and Inspection of equipment in the Shirnall Playground was also approved for the future

 Plans are in hand to reinforce the Crows Lane verge adjacent to Westview to prevent damage caused by vehicles with the installation of concrete mesh adjacent to the roadside.

 Plans were also accepted for repair/replacement of the fence on the Village Garden adjacent to the top of Parsonage Close.

 The proposed replacement of the A32, signage was also approved although the necessity for crossroads sign where the A32 meets Woodside lane and New Road meet the A32 and the clutter of signage at the village boundary  were discussed but it was agreed to proceed with the plan.

 There was also discussion concerning the large SDNP sign on Selborne Road obstructing vision to traffic emerging from Hall Lane. The general decision was that as the sign is outside the Parish   Boundary little can be done but forward concerns to the SDNP.

 Problems with installing Wi-Fi in the Church, to enable Council meetings to be viewed on line, were discussed and it seems that the system will be set up in the "fairly near" future.

 Concern was expressed about painting the old Telephone Box and notice board by the A32 crossroads but it was accepted that the painter was only able to work when weather and road conditions were favourable.

 An application to hold future Parish Council meetings on a Tuesday Night was also approved to enable all councillors make it to the Church on time.

 There followed a long and somewhat heated discussion on the clarity of Council Accounts etc. It took some time and some heated argument concerning the mislabelling of some accounts and charges etc, but was eventually brought to a conclusion after it was accepted there had been an error  in labelling some accounts and, those accounts, although genuine, were being posted up with a misleading description. It was decided that the accounts in question would be relabelled, presented again and officially approved at the next meeting.

 The meeting eventually closed after discussions were completed.



Four applications were up for consideration by the Parish Council:

 The First was an application for Little Chimes at the bottom of Shirnall Hill which was accepted with a recommendation that works vehicle parking should be planned not to obstruct the highway.

 The revised application for buildings on Manor Farm near the Church was accepted without comment.

 The Application for Tree & Hedge work at Cotehele in Crows Lane was also accepted without comment.

 The Application for building work at Little Chimes on Shirnall Hall was also accepted with the recomendation the Builders Vehicle Parking should be set up to avoid major problems with passing traffic.

 The Village Hall Application presented the current Council with a problem as the application was made by the Council Members who were also acting as the New Village Hall Committee.

This rather complicated arrangement is will continue until accounts are presented to, and accepted by ,the Charity Commission when a new, Independent Farringdon Village Hall Committee will be formed.

 At present, despite the fact that current Council Members have problems with this application, since the application was proposed by the Parish Council in their Village Hall Committee mode it would create something of a problem if they now raised objections.  The application was accepted as they had no choice but when the new, Independent Farringdon Village Hall Committee is set up it is almost certain that the current plan will be subject to changes.

 It is accepted that, if the current application is approved by the SDNP planners, the land will be purchased by the New Committee (The Land is available until April 2024).but there will be an opportunity to revise the current building plans and budget



Biz Report - Notes from Parish Council Meeting 13-09-2023

The September Parish Council Meeting, held in the Church on Wednesday evening began, following traditional proceedings, before a series of queries from residents concerning the latest application to install a pipeline from Shirnall Hill part of the way across gardens on the East side of the A32 with the intention of improving drainage from the South side of Shirnall Hill.
Those present who live in the area were concerned that the current “plan” would not solve the problem and would increase the risk of flooding around the gardens and houses  as the pipe would outfall in a low area to the rear of properties.
It was suggested the pipeline should be continued into the existing pipework/drainage system, to the North end of the Houses to carry the water beyond the houses in the flood area.

The second public submission was from Chrys Browne, Tania Nicholls and Nick Latham concerning the management Of the Village Garden situated on the open space beside the right of way up the East side of the Parsonage Close Estate.
The PC is currently, and would remain in control of Insurance, Public Liability and Maintenance of Fencing Gates and the Right of way.
The proposal was that the Farringdon Garden Club would prepare a plan for the development of the garden with various suggestions under consideration.
The current Parish Council Funding set aside would still be available and it was suggested that a member of The Parish Council would become a member of the Management Team and would keep The PC updated on proposals for their consideration.
The Submission was accepted by the PC and as new PC members were about to undertake training etc the election of the Garden Associated Member would be on the Agenda for the Nov PC Meeting.

The PC continued their Meeting with a discussion on the pipework planned by the Hampshire Council.
Members were inclined to agree that the current proposal might cause some problems but Councillors were planning to meet the Council Planners to discuss possible modifications to the proposed plan although funding for any extra work might prove to be a problem and the arrangements for maintenance of any system needs to be clearly established.

Speed awareness and the possibility of extending the white line on the A32 North of the Golden Pheasant were also discussed although once again it would appear that any considerations would be subject to reports of Vehicle movement and once again finance. The replacing of the Double White lines is unlikely to be approved by the County Highways dept. The Council have a meeting arranged with Highways on the 27th

There was also some discussion concerning the BOAT track and the access to the Church Lytch Gate which included a plan to level off the Church Green Triangle, further discussion will have to take place to establish an agreed solution acceptable to all parties.

The speed indicator camera that is operating on the A32 has been well received although the requirement for different location points is a problem but the second camera owned by the PC is not currently operating,  and may need to be replaced in the near future. 

Broadband in the Church should be installed and functioning before the Nov. Meeting although there was previously a degree of confusion as the installer was slightly confused to find the Church was not a Domestic Address, now sorted. It was also decided that the old sound amplification system from the Village Hall would not be suitable for the Church as newer and more effective systems are now available. There was also some discussion about the storage of Village Hall Records etc but the some were not in good order etc and it was decided to have a resort of the material to avoid duplication and reduce the bulk of the stored material!

Waste bin collections at various sites needs to be confirmed, with the possible replacement or refurbishment of a couple of the public bins in the village.

Denise Maugham was congratulated on her updates to the Farringdon Parish Council  website which now carries more information and pictures.

There were also requests to refurbish the Memorial Rose Garden on the A32.

Accounts and suggestions for updates to Notice Boards and Defibrillators were approved.

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