of the Meeting Held on 5th Feb 2008
The Group welcomed
Jeremy Cowan as a new member. Attending, also were Iain Ross, Mike Findlay,
Mark Elliott, Simon Dear, Jill Brian, Jenny Stratford, and Mike and Barbara
Cow - Apologies received from Karen Dawes.
PC Simon Dear hoped to hold open surgeries every 3-4 week in the Village Hall.
Discussion took place about possible activities to involve more members of the village. The stage in the Village Hall would lend itself to amateur dramatics (Fiona, an actress, in Manor Farm Cottages would be contacted). A possible youth club was mooted; this would need a team to run (Alison & Paul, Parsonage Close) and Simon Dear would raise this with Karen Dawes to see if EHDC could provide a co-ordinator. Another possibility was a village cricket team or 5-a-side football to play on Shirnall Meadow; one of the village pubs might sponsor strip for this (involve Clive Court?).
The Group was reminded that, with minimal bus services, the shared taxi 205 scheme was still in operation to allow access to Alton.
The abysmal state of the surface of Crows Lane was noted; Mike Findlay had assurance from HCC that resurfacing would take place in the near future.
The Group should make a donation to the PCC for their kind permission to use the Church as a meeting venue.
Jeremy Cowan agreed to be a third signatory to cheques drawn on the Group (other signatories are Iain Ross and Mike Findlay).
Enforcement of the A32 speed limit and vehicular parking at Bahnstormer Motorcycles on A32 were raised. Simon Dear had spoken to the directors of Bahnstormers and the matter was in the hands of the police (traffic and traffic management divisions), HCC and EHDC. An up-date report was awaited. HCC (Cllr Kemp-Gee was still pressing for a reduction in speed through the village to 30 mph., and hoped that the promised flashing speed reminders would be supplied (as promised) soonest. The matter was on the agenda of the Parish Council, perpetually, and discussion centred around raising a petition to the Chief Constable, MP Michael Mates and persistent lobbying of EHDC and HCC Highways.
Complaints about fouling by dogs in Upper Farringdon had been received; also ASB in Parsonage Close The latter was to be actioned by the Parish Council via Drum Housing. Mike Findlay to research siting of a dog waste bin at Stank Lane and why emptying of one in Parsonage Close was so irregular.
A possible litter-pick around the village was raised; this was normally promoted by the PC and the matter would be referred to them.
Crime. Simon Dear reported on a number of "high-class break-ins in the village and surrounding area. A Peter O'Halloran had been identified as the main suspect; his photograph would appear on village notice-boards and on BBC's Crimewatch. He had used a vehicle with false number-plates.
The creation of a pedestrian refuge on A32 to make crossing safer for those using the new children' play area on Shirnall Meadow was discussed. This had already been considered some years ago but turned down due to objections and problems in an unlit village. Jenny Stratford suggested floral troughs at the A32 entrances to the village; perhaps Bahnstormer would sponsor? Mike Findlay would investigate costings.
Bonfires and cross-country driving (4x4s and motorcycles) were causing nuisance. Iain Ross would raise these matters in the village magazine and on the website.
Next meeting was
scheduled for April (date and venue to be advised)
Mike Findlay
Secretary to Farringdon Improvement Group