Meeting of the Farringdon Improvement Group
held 11th May 2005 in the Village Hall


The meeting had up-date reports on progress from Drum Housing and EHDC regarding the problems raised at the previous meeting. Drum had written to their tenants reminding them of their tenancy agreements regarding dogs, etc. Nuisance diaries had been received from several residents of the Close, and these would continue to be kept. More information was required regarding reported over-crowding.
EHDC reported that their officer had visited Parsonage and found no vehicles without current tax discs; this would continue to be checked. There were no vehicles found abandoned. Concerns about obstruction for emergency vehicles and for other residents would continue to be handled by complaints to, and action by, the police. Residents had been re-visited by both EHDC Dog Wardens.
The great importance of continuing nuisance diaries was impressed on the meeting; these would be assessed by Drum and the ASBO Officer at EHDC. It was a matter of concern that it was felt that steps had been taken to remedy some of the complaints, but that, with the passing of time, they would recur; the continued keeping of diaries should protect against this eventuality.

Other matters raised were ball games played on the children's playground and possible closer liaison with the Neighbourhood Watch.


The next meeting would be at the Village Hall at 7.30 pm on 22 June. Future meetings of the Group were scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month, alternating with the Parish Council, vis.:-

3 August 2005
5 October 2005 (AGM)
7December 2005

1 February 2006
5 April 2006
7 June 2006

[additional meetings could be called by the Officers, should the need arise]

Mike Findlay, FIG Secretary
