of the Farringdon Improvement Group
held 22nd June 2005 in the Village Hall
Parsonage Close
The meeting opened with a review of progress of various points discussed previously regarding Parsonage Close.
It was understood that the problems with the parking of commercial vehicles had eased, but it was pointed out that a "live and let live" attitude might have resolved the situation earlier.
Parking on the public highway should observe all common courtesies. All vehicles were taxed and road-worthy, and even those parked partly on the pavement still allowed free-movement of pedestrians. It would appear that there was less concern now about access for emergency vehicles. Nevertheless, the lack of parking facilities, especially at the upper end of the Close (the "turning area") was still a problem.
The Secretary would make contact with Paul Andersen to see whether he might be able to help alleviate the situation by making available some space off New Road (to be part of the highway) for the specific purpose of parking some vehicles from the Close. PC Simon Dear would investigate the aged Land Rover, which had been parked for several years adjacent to the footpath running alongside No 20.
The Secretary would also investigate the status of ball games on the children's play area.
Youth Activities
The group were reminded that PC Dear had managed to source funds from Hampshire Constabulary and with which he had purchased a table-tennis table and equipment, and a table-top football game; if these were to be donated to Farringdon as a starting point for a youth club facility, a decision was a matter of urgency. The major problems were staffing of a youth club and the lack of availability of the Hall on a regular basis. The latter might be resolved if the other half of the Folly became available for use by the public. If this was the case, there was some optimism that other youth groups (Beavers, Scouts, Brownies, etc.) might avail themselves of the venue. It was also hoped that a regular mini-bus transport to and from Alton might be feasible for use by older children in the village. Again, lack of availability of organisers, volunteers and trained supervisors was a major stumbling block.
Dog Fouling
The problems of unattended dogs and "poop-scoop" failure were aired again. There was a call for more "poop-scoop" signs and dog waste bins. The Secretary would invite the EHDC Dog Wardens to the next meeting in an attempt to answer some of the queries raised and to action some of the above points.
The scheduled meeting was then opened
No apologies for absence had been received.
The meeting was told that Sandra Tuddenham (EHDC Community Safety Officer) had left EHDC and that the departure of Sally-Ann Edson (EHDC ASBO Co-ordinator) was imminent.
Iain Ross reported that there had been no expenditure since the last meeting, but that he awaited a bill for hire of the Hall. The account stood at £260.00.
Mike Findlay reported that he awaited a response from HCC Highways on three points raised by him following the meeting with Mick Truan (Hampshire Constabulary). These were more effective speed control on A32, speed surveillance on Shirnall Hill and inappropriate parking of vehicles at the Street/Hall Lane/Crows Lane intersection.
Reports of children running across the rose-beds on the Memorial Garden, and of a vehicle parking on the grass of the Memorial Garden were received. PC Dear would follow up the illegal parking and was now aware of children returning home from playing on the Business Park. Mike Findlay would write to the proprietors of SPC Motorcycles making them aware (again) about inappropriate parking by their customers.
PC Dear reported that the crime rate for the village was still very low; one felon responsible for several crimes in the village had just been jailed for 6 years.
Nadia Wagland had received a letter from Swaythling Housing Society who would be managing affordable housing on the Chase Field/Maplecombe development; they will attend a future meeting of FIG as the development progresses.
Regarding closer liaison with Neighbourhood Watch, any activity in this area would be delayed until the AGM of FIG (5 October 2005), by which time, it was hoped, Sandra Tuddenham's successor would be in place, and the future of the Group was clearer.
Future Meetings
The next meeting will be at the Village Hall at 7.30 pm on August the 3rd. Future meetings of the Group were scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month, alternating with the Parish Council, vis.:-
3 August 2005
5 October 2005 (AGM)
7December 2005
1 February 2006
5 April 2006
7 June 2006