Meeting of the Farringdon Improvement Group
6 April 2005 in the Village Hall

The meeting was well attended, largely by residents of Parsonage Close, and a prolonged and lively discussion provided much material for the representatives of our "partner agencies" to consider and act on.

Three main areas of concern were highlighted and corroborated by many present.

1) Random and inconsiderate parking of vehicles, including these of non-residents of Parsonage Close, and in particular three large commercial vehicles, were causing obstruction and inconvenience to residents and creating an unacceptable hazard to access by emergency vehicles to the upper end of the Close. Since it is not illegal to park on a public highway, some alternatives were suggested and rejected by the meeting. Obstruction of the roadway or the pedestrian footpath is, of course, actionable by the police.

2) Failure to control dogs, leading to fouling and potential aggression towards pedestrians was also a major complaint.

3) Some worrying instances of personal aggression, abuse and intimidation were highlighted.

Representatives (EHDC, ABSO Co-ordinator and Drum Housing Association) promised to explore these points and to resurrect previous complaints filed with these bodies. All residents were asked to keep diaries from now giving fullest details of further antisocial behaviour and were promised full anonymity.
The agencies would give a preliminary report to the Improvement Group within 2 weeks and the matter would be reviewed at the next meeting.

The Chair and Secretary reported on a fruitful meeting with Hampshire Constabulary Highways on possible traffic-calming measures on the A32 and Shirnall Hill, and input from HCC Highways was awaited as to possible practical measures to address these problems. A further report would be given at the next meeting scheduled for 11 May 2005.

Mike Findlay
Secretary to Farringdon Improvement Group
