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Minutes of the Meeting of The Parish Council Held at
The Village Hall Farringdon on 8th January 2014 at 7:30 PM.
Cllr Roe (Chair) Cllr Cubitt Cllr Durrant Cllr Oakley (Vice Chair) Cllr Elderton Cllr Jacob Cllr Cowan Cllr Williams Cllr Garrard
Some thirty members of the public attended the open session of the meeting.
Mr. Edwin Macnamara was introduced as the new Acting Clerk to take over from the current Acting Clerk following this meeting.
01/14 Apologies for Absence: There were no Apologies
02/14 Minutes:Members approved the Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting held on 10th December 2013 and they were signed as a correct record by the Chair.
03/14 Petitions /Statements/Questions from members of the Public: There were two questions received in respect of the Planning application 54507/002
04/14 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Non-Pecuniary Interests: There were no declarations of interests in relation to any items included on the Agenda for the meeting required to be disclosed by the Localism Act 2011.
05/14 Receipt of Official Announcements: There were no Official Announcements.
06/14 Planning: The Chair asked Councilor Cowan to address the members of the public present in respect as to what information, comments and questions would be allowed in respect of the Planning application on the agenda. Members approved the appointment of Councillor Jacob to the Planning Committee.
54507/002 Installation and operation of a Solar Farm and associated infrastructure, including Photographic Panels, Mounting frames, Inverters, Transformers, Substations, Communications Building, Fence and Pole Mounted Security Cameras for the life of the Solar Farm (FUL).
Mr Brock (Worldham Parish Council) was invited to present the concerns of Worldham Parish Council with regard to the access of constructor’s vehicles via the junction with Selbourn Road and Gaston Lane, at the Round House.
The Chair asked Councillor Garrard to recount her conversations with EHDC where they had expressed concern about this dangerous junction and had indicated they wished to avoid any use of this route by constructor’s vehicles.
Mrs Oakley was invited to present her question as to whether the Council had sought professional advice regarding the sum of money suggested by the developer to be made for the benefit of the village.
The Chair asked Councillor Durrant to explain that as no formal written proposal had been made by the developer no advice had been sought but as and when any formal proposal was received advice would be sought as to the level of benefit and its propriety.
Further questions and comments were taken from the floor including;
- Concern regarding the safety of the other proposed access to the site up New Lane.
- That previously restrictions had been placed on the type of vehicle that was permitted to use New Road
- Concerns regarding the omission of the physical size of the site from the revised plan.
- Would the developer widen either of the proposed access roads?
- Would earlier objections be considered or would resubmission be required?
- It was pointed out that the statutory twenty eight day notice had not been posted at the site.
Items 1 & 2 were noted.
Item 3 was addressed by the developer’s representative that the site was effectively the same as with the previous application.
Item 4 Councillor Cowan confirmed that there would not be an opportunity to widen either of the access roads but the contractor would be obliged to make suitable repairs to any damage caused.
Item 5 It was confirmed by Councillor Cowan that confusing information had been received from EHDC but had stated that they would take earlier comments into account but they were primarily concerned with the changes effected by the reapplication.
Item 6 The developer’s representative was unaware that the statutory notice had not been posted as required and would investigate.SDNP/13/05726/FUL Cherry Tree Farm Gosport Road Lower Farringdon Alton Hampshire GU34 3EL Use of land for the stationing of an agricultural worker's mobile home for three years.
A question was raised from the floor with regard to whether approval of this application could make it easy for the applicant to make this a permanent residential build, and suggested that if the council did not object to this application it should insist on there being no automatic renewal beyond the three years.
CPRE: A letter and questionnaire have been received from CPRE with regard to East Hampshire Joint Core Strategy. (Copy attached for the information of Members)
The Chair asked Councillor Elderton to summarise the areas of concern raised in the letter.
The District Council has proposed to the Inspector a further modification which, if adopted, would remove from the EHLPJCS the Policy which gives priority for development of previously developed (brownfield) land over greenfield sites. This would apply to the whole District.
Without such a policy the risk is that all the greenfield sites to be allocated to meet housing numbers in the next phase of the Local Plan will be built out in the early years of the Plan Period. This would leave developers open to apply for development of further greenfield (SHLAA) sites, which the planning authorities would be unable to resist as it would not then be possible to demonstrate a five year supply of specific deliverable sites .
The target for new homes in a village the size of Farringdon is 150 outside the SDNP and 100 within the SDNP. As Farringdon falls in both of these categories this is potentially 250 new homes.
There being no further questions the meeting went into closed session.
7/14 54507/002:
Installation and operation of a Solar Farm and associated infrastructure, including Photographic Panels, Mounting frames, Inverters, Transformers, Substations, Communications Building, Fence and Pole Mounted Security Cameras for the life of the Solar Farm (FUL).
Members determined that the Planning Committee draft a response to EHDC objecting to the proposed application but to include that if EHDC did approve the application conditions should be applied regarding, access, reparations, landscaping, size of planting, replacing of dieback, and decommissioning.
8/14SDNP/13/05726/FUL Cherry Tree Farm Gosport Road Lower Farringdon Alton Hampshire GU34 3EL
Use of land for the stationing of an agricultural worker's mobile home for three years.
Members determined no objection with the condition that any extension to the period of three years or deviation to this application be subject to a completely new application.
9/14 CPRE
A letter and questionnaire have been received from CPRE with regard to East Hampshire Joint Core Strategy. (Copy attached for the information of Members).
The District Council has proposed to the Inspector a further modification (MM3) which, if adopted, would remove from the EHLPJCS the Policy which gives priority for development of previously developed (brownfield) land over greenfield sites. This would apply to the whole District.
MM3 Amend Policy CP1 by the deletion of the fifth paragraph:
‘New development will make the best use of previously developed land and buildings within existing built-up areas and a. Additional land for development will be released in accordance with a sequential approach identified in the Settlement Hierarchy.’
Members determined to respond to the CPRE and EHDC objecting to modification MM3;
Amend Policy CP1 by the deletion of the fifth paragraph:
Councillor Elderton was asked to draft the response.
10/14 Members Noted: Land North of Southernhay, Crows Lane –
Outline (including layout and access, other matters reserved) for the construction of 20 Dwellings, garages, parking and formation of new access: Application Refused by EHDC December 11, 2013.
11/14 Farringdon Village Hall: Member received the report of the Village Hall Manager and accounts (Copy attached to record minutes).
12/14 Roads,Footpaths Representative & Tree Warden: Members received the report of the Footpaths Representative & Tree Warden (Copy attached to record minutes).
13/14 Accounts paid since last Meeting and Schadule of Payments: No payments were made since the last meeting other than Payroll.
14/14 Chasefields adoption: Deeds of Dedication have been received from EHDC in respect of land at Chasefields.
The Chair asked the Acting Clerk to appraise the Members of the situation and the concerns of the signatories that they were unclear as to whether signing the document would release the children’s playground from the Parish Council.
Councillor Garrard agreed to have a quick look at the document and determined that it related to the substantial drainage on the site.Members determined that further to Councillor Garrard reviewing the document more closely and approving it that the signatories duly sign the documents and return to EHDC.
15/14 Grant applications made under Section: Grant applications were received as follows:-
Home-Start WeyWater (Copy attached for the information of Members). Members considered this application and determined that at this time the Parish Council was unable to make a grant in this or the coming financial year.
16/14 The Acting RFO presented a revision of the proposed budget for the year 2014/15. (Copy attached to record Minutes).
Members were concerned as to the level of increase to the Precept that would be required should the Proposed Budget be approved.
The Acting RFO explained the budget line by line and Members agreed that the Precept for 2014/15 would be set at £39850.
Confidential: The Chair asked the remaining members of the Public present to leave the meeting at this point in order to give consideration of following items due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.