Report: Farringdon Parish Council- meeting held on 9th October 2013
Key Points:
The Council thanked Roger Browne for acting as Clerk during the sickness of the Clerk, Mike Findlay. Concern was expressed for the Clerk’s health.
The Council welcomed the appointment of its new Councillor, John Jacobs, who was attending his first meeting.
The Planning Committee reported that, following a separate Meeting on 7th October, three local planning applications were accepted and one (for 20 new dwellings in Crows Lane) was objected to in Outline and in its Specifics. A formal letter of Objections would be sent to EHDC Planning Department.
The Council extended its great thanks to the Farringdon Vision 2030 Team who launched the completed Farringdon Village Plan: Vision 2030 in early September. Delivery of the Action Plan is now the responsibility of the Parish Council. Much praise has been made by EHDC, SDNPA, Community Action Hampshire such as Mark Kemp-Gee, Councillor, Alton Rural Division, HCC who said it is “certainly one of the best if not the best I have ever seen”.
Finally, Farringdon PC (as Trustees for the Village Hall) will be contacting the ‘Area of Benefit’ (i.e. the local area around Farringdon) to seek the legally required public permission for disposal of Farringdon Village Hall within the wider sale of Massey’s Folly.