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Report: Farringdon Parish Council – meeting held on 3 July2013 in the Village Hall
Key Points :
1. The Planning Committee discussed the application for Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian and the erection of a stable block on land North and South East of Serendipity, Brightstone Lane.Following a public
discussion, the committee met in Closed Session and agreed unanimously that
there was No Objection, subject to 2 conditions:a) that change of use be restricted to Domestic Use, and not Business Use.
b) that EHDC and HCC Highways Department consider the implications for
Traffic, Access/Egress and Parking on this single track Lane.
2. The chairman, Mrs Caroline Roe, set up a new Working Group, Farringdon
Community Centre Team (FCCT), to investigate all the opportunities and
obligations for the Village in its search for a new site, funding, and any other
resources needed for a new Community Centre to replace Massey's Folly.
FCCT will identify the village's requirements and discuss these with all
relevant bodies/individuals.
3. Footpaths & Trees: Councillor David Williams has repeatedly contacted
HCC and EHDC to complain at the lack of progress in re-surfacing Stank Lane
and cutting hedgerows (Hall Lane was missed out in May), with little positive
response. FPC voted to fund the resurfacing of Stank Lane immediately.
4. Farringdon Parish Council would like to remind everyone of the "Capture
the Village" photo competition organised by Farringdon Vision 2030. Details
are in the Village Magazine and Prizes will be awarded. Closing date: 19th July.