- Council agreed, in principle, to erect one set of goal posts on the lower area of Shirnall Meadow recreation area, subject to siting and funding.
- Cllr Williams reported that dead trees had been replaced on the above area.
- There was a lengthy discussion about the planning process and the lack of regard of input from the Parish Council. Several members would attend a seminar to learn the involvement of South Downs National Park and its influence. There is still much concern that the carefully prepared and adopted (by EHDC) "Village Design Statement" was being side-lined and considered insignificant. It was proposed to pursue the promotion of the "more powerful"? village/parish plan adopted by other hamlets; this would initially be resourced by the Clerk, but would require a working party, set up by Council to resource finances and action.
- Various planning matters were reported, but most concern hinged on a recently-received application from Stable Cottage to develop a three dwelling site. While discussed in Council, the applicants were present, and it was decided that further investigation was required before Council could submit its responses to EHDC.
- Clerk to investigate position of electric fences bordering public footpaths.
- Cllr Ross sought advice about initiating a village database - possibly based on the current NHW database. Concerns were voiced about data protection laws, though the idea of being able to contact all (with computers) villagers was thought excellent.
- Though with little time, it was wondered whether the village could make some effort to celebrate the forthcoming royal wedding; further, were there any plans to celebrate HRH's Jubilee in 2012?
Mike Findlay, Parish Clerk