held on 5th May 2010 in the Village Hall

Council was saddened to hear that, due to ill-health, Cllr Keith Haskell intended to stand down from Council and as representative on the Village Hall Management Committee, the latter with immediate effect. Council accorded a unanimous vote of appreciation for all the hard and thorough work which Keith had undertaken for Council and for the village; he would be greatly missed.

This meeting was the AGM of Council; and it was agreed that all office-holders and nominees remain as before with the exception that Cllr Williams replace Cllr Haskell on the VHMC. He asked to relinquish is role on the Planning Sub-committee, and would be replaced by Cllr Taylor.

It was decided that since all available sources of funds had been used in the establishment of the new children's play area at Shirnall Meadow, there was no alternative but to de-commission the old play area behind Parsonage Close; this would take place in due course.

HCC had been provided with a list of the top 3 footpaths in the parish most in need of regular maintenance.

The Chairman, Cllr Amery, having received a response to his letter about safety concerns with parking of delivery vehicles and suppliers outside Bahnstormer Motorcycles, would meet with their directors to pursue the matter.

A Child Protection Policy was required to cover the Shirnall Meadow playground; this would be pursued.

Mike Findlay, Parish Clerk
