held on 6 May 2009 in the Village Hall

The Officers and Office-holders were re-elected en bloc, vis: Tony Amery (Chairman), Iain Ross (Vice-chairman), Gary Oakley (Treasurer). David Williams, Gill Ellis, Mike Edwards and Gary Oakley continue as Planning Sub-committee. Caroline Roe remains our EHAP representative and Keith Haskell as Council representative on the Village Hall Management Committee. David Williams will continue to serve as our Footpaths representative and Tree Warden.

It was agreed that salt/grit bins would be provided by the Parish Council at the most dangerous junctions, namely at Farringdon crossroads, Church Road/The Street and the Rose and Crown junction. HCC Highways would fill and replenish with salt/grit. Further to the Annual Village Meeting, a new public notice board would be provided in lower Farringdon near the telephone box.

Major concerns about the processing of planning applications since EHDC had opted for purely electronic communication - which lacked planning details. This would be pursued.

It was noted that PC would agree to a loan £500.00 to fund the origination costs of the village pantomime scheduled to be held in early December, through the Village Hall management Committee.

While the legal transfer of the open spaces land at Shirnall Meadow was awaited (some limiting covenants having been negotiated satisfactorily with Charles Church), it was agreed that, initially, at least, ball games would be discouraged from the lower area, due to the risks from the close proximity to the A32. Our insurers would be kept fully informed.

Various matters of minor concern about planning matters were raised for action; the new housing development at Farringdon Halt was praised for its quality. It was hoped to hear whether Stank Lane would qualify for an improvement grant from HCC. It was noted with pleasure that Brightstone Lane would, in future, receive servicing 4 times yearly to prevent flooding problems due to accumulated debris.

It was reported from the VHMC that there were plans to thoroughly overhaul the central heating system and boiler and put these on a regular maintenance basis by British Gas. Though unpopular with MFPT, the decision of the VHMC not to accept their offer to buy the Village Hall for £55,000.00 was unlikely to be reversed. Council was pleased to support the proposed village pantomime, and jumble sale and other fund-raising events.

FIG/NHW reported that they were proceeding to develop "gateways" to the village on A32 at both ends of the village to emphasise the new speed limit. There was concern that our beat officer, PC Simon Dear, was rarely seen or available to become involved with worries. A meeting had been convened to integrate the activities of FIG and NHW. Councillors were currently being canvassed for their views on purchase and maintenance of a mobile speed reminder flashing sign; it was thought that the costs and management of moving this would be impractical.

All meetings would be held on the first Wednesday of the month in the Village Hall, starting at 19.30 hrs., as follows:-
2009 - July 1
September 2
November 4
2010 - January 6
March 3………………………………….[Easter is 2,3,4,5 April]
April 7…………………Annual Village Meeting
May 5………………….FPC AGM

Mike Findlay
Parish Clerk
