Held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 4th March 2009

  1. It was reported that the VHMC had rejected the offer of £55,000 from MFPT to buy the Village Hall. Details for this decision have been published in the Village Magazine. VHMC was exploring the costs of partitioning part of the Hall for smaller meetings in the meantime. VHMC still believe that the best option is to sell the Hall jointly with the Andreae Trust for re-development as living accommodation when the market picks up. An alternative site for a new village hall is still being sought. Council broadly supported these views of VHMC.

  2. The open spaces at Shirnall Meadow still await transfer to FPC, due to unacceptable restrictive covenants imposed by Charles Church; it was hoped that these would soon be resolved allowing development of the play areas in May/June.

  3. Planning matters: there was no objection raise to installation of solar panels in the Malthouse, nor to a single-storey extension at 12 Parsonage Close. Concern was expressed about a new garage at Farringdon Place.

  4. It was hoped that some refurbishment of the surface on the Stank Lane bridleway might be forthcoming.

  5. Crows Lane: the much-delayed work was currently being done; initially this would be to improve drainage between Crows Lane and Gaston Lane, and this would be followed by re-surfacing of the carriageway. It was noted that dredging of the ditches along Gaston Lane had been done to improve drainage.

  6. The 30 mph speed limit along the A32 throught the village had been agreed; we await the contractors to amend the signage, which should be imminent.

  7. It was proposed that three grit/salt bins be purchased for siting at the A32 cross-roads, the junction of Church Road and the Street and the junction of the Street and Crows/Hall Lane. Grit would be supplied by HCC.

  8. There was a proposal to merge FIG and NHW; this would be discussed at meetings before the end of the month. "Much wanted" O'Halloran, suspected of numerous burglaries in the area, had been apprehended in Oxfordshire.

  9. Concerns about grass cutting provision were expressed (again). The Parish Clerk had matters in hand.

Mike Findlay, Parish Clerk
