Compared with the 'record' attendance last year, only some 29 people attended - due in part to the change of date and school holidays.

Cllr Mark Kemp-Gee spoke for HCC and was flattering in the activities of Farringdon - Parish Councils were, he said, the eyes and ears of the County Council. He foresaw a possible change in Council Tax which might be reflected in the CC elections next May. He was sympathetic to the poor state of many roads/lanes in the area, but hoped that the newly appointed contractor (Amey), starting in May would result in better repairs and receive a better share of resources. He was still hopeful that flashing speed reminders on A32 would have priority, that Crows Lane re-surfacing would take place this summer and that the (temporary) closure of two Farringdon BOATs would improve their state. Concern was expressed (again) about lack of maintenance about drains and ditches in Brightstone Lane.

Chairman Cllr Tony Amery reported that the two main concerns facing the village were Massey's Folly/ Village Hall and planning matters. Regarding the former, he begged the village to respond to the charities involved so that essential decisions could be made. Regarding planning, he found that decisions made were very difficult to interpret and deplored the fact that EHDC seemed to ignore the views of the village, particularly reluctance to visit the proposed site.

The costings and revenue for the new children's play area at Shirnall meadow were presented; expenditure would be covered by grants and developers' contributions.

More detailed presentations from the Village Hall Management Committee and the Massey's Folly Preservation Trust were given; both bodies have public consultations planned for later in April, and both have conducted surveys of residents. Future activity would then be clarified.

In his absence, Simon Dear's report was given; it was essential that a wanted criminal, whose photograph was posted on notice-boards and around the village and who had appeared on BBC's "Crimewatch" - suspected of various burglaries in Farringdon was drawn to villager's attention. For less urgent matters, his best contact number is the still operative 101, and ask for an incident number.

The Farringdon/Chawton Parish Magazine was very successful and widely appreciated; its income from advertising was such that no financial support from Parish councils was envisaged in the near future.

Regarding parking outside Bahnstormer Motorcycles, it was reported that all avenues (HCC, police, EHDC, etc.) had been exhausted, and it was mooted that a letter from the PC to the Chief Constable or letters to the local press might be effective.
