Held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 3rd September 2008

A32. Speed Limits
While we still await the promised flashing speed reminders, Council heard that a meeting with HCC consultants to reduce the speed through the village from 40 to 30 mph. was likely to be implemented within the next few months, provided there were no objections.

Shirnall Meadow Open Spaces
It was understood that the legal transfer of the open spaces to the Parish Council was in hand and that the documents were currently being studied by the legal department of EHDC. Once title had been transferred, work could begin on construction of the children's playground, since full funding was in place.

Council heard that no objections had been raised about applications from the Long House and Hall Farm. Concerns were expressed (shared by Grayshott) about the lack of weight of Council submissions by EHDC Planning Department; these would be addressed at a meeting next week of EHAPTC.

Cllr Williams reported that footpaths at Brightstone Lane and behind Annetts Farm had been cut; there was still some concern about the state of the Ridge footpath/bridleway towards Selborne. Clarification would be sought from HCC as to the ownership and maintenance of such.

Youth Activities
Farringdon Improvement Group was to launch an initiative to see what could be done to provide activities for the youngsters and teenagers of the village, and what the prevailing interests were. Volunteer helpers would be required for any schemes to be successful.

Village Hall
With the future of the current Village Hall in doubt, some research had been done to visit recently built Halls in the region to get ideas of structure, size and costs of such buildings.

Transport of Natural Gas
The Parish had already objected strongly to this proposal to transport natural gas under high pressure by road tanker on grounds of safety, since the route included the A32 through the village. Cllr Oakley would represent Council at a deferred hearing in October.

Mike Findlay, Parish Clerk
