Held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 5th November 2008


The meeting was told that, barring unforeseen circumstances, the speed limit on A32 (Gosport Road) through the village would be reduced in the next few weeks to 30 mph.
Farringdon Improvement Group repoorted that construction of the village "gates" on A32 had been postponed until the new speed limit (and signage) was in place.

Extensive cutting back of some trees in Brighstone Lane was required urgently and a meeting with HCC Highways Dept. about the lack of maintenance of the drains and culverts had been successful; the lane would be closed in the near future to allow necessary work to be carried out. No date had been identified for re-surfacing of Crows Lane; delay was occasioned by the long lead-in time required for closure of the road since it carried school bus services.

Shirnall Meadow

Conveyancing was well in hand to transfer the open spaces at Shirnall Meadow to the Parish Council; some delays in the legal process was the result of some downsizing of departments at Charles Church. When transfer was completed, work on the new playground would commence. Council was also well aware that, when funds permitted, a decision on the old equipment behind Parsonage Close would have to be considered.

Planning Applications

It was reported that a building application for the Far Copse had been disallowed by EHDC. The lack of weight from Parish Council submissions to EHDC Planning Department was the concern of several Parishes and would be discussed at a meeting to be held shortly. The beech hedge on the new building opposite Jordans had been professionally layered and not removed.

Farringdon improvement Group

FIG reported that it was proving more difficult to arrange youth activities than had been anticipated; progress in this matter had been postponed to the next FIG meeting.
The drying up of possible funding in the current financial climate and the impending Olympic Games in London in 2012 had effectively put a brake on any significant progress regarding the immediate future of the village hall and MFPT.
The meeting regarding transport of gas under pressure by road along A32 had been postponed till later in November. The possibility of exploring a footpath between Chawton and Farringdon was to be explored.


Mike Findlay, Parish Clerk
