All officers and appointees remain unaltered from last year.

In future, all planning applications would go to the FULL Planning Sub-committee, unless decided otherwise by Cllr Williams.

The accounts of the Parish Council - as presented at the Annual Village Meeting - would be audited and presented for adoption at the next meeting.
A report about various recent planning applications was given.

The Village Hall was now open again, and the inaugural party was a sell-out; the VHMC , however, was agreed that income would not cover the costs of remaining open and repairs. It would be considering the options open, given a clear mandate by residents who had responded to a recent questionnaire.

Farringdon Improvement Group reported that there had been a less than satisfactory response to pleas to restrict parking on A32 at Bahnstormer Motorcycles or speed reminders on the A32 through the village. They have plans in mind to address these problems. Complaints about anti-social behaviour in Parsonage Close would be referred to Drum Housing. Attempts to encourage sports (football/cricket) were in hand, as were plans to develop an interest in dramatics, etc. for the youth in the village.

The annual litter pick was deferred till the autumn. Council was concerned to hear of a proposed further depletion of beat police in the area. Police still wanted to hear of sightings of a "most wanted man" for burglaries in Farringdon and area - the photofit pictures are still displayed in the village.

HCC Highways now accept responsibility for attention to street drains and culverts, and would be attending to road defects in Church Road and Crows Lane imminently.

Farringdon was unsuccessful in the second tranche of speed reduction to 30 mph (A32), but would be considered eventually.

Charles Church would, after a meeting at EHDC, address the complaints about the state of the open areas at Shirnall Meadow and have activated the legal process to hand these over to the Parish Council.

The new childrens' playground, and its financing, was discussed at length; this would be presented at EHDC Cabinet in July and had the support of Cllrs Burridge and Ayers.

Mike Findlay,
Parish Clerk
