Held at All Saints Church on 8th January 2008

Council heard concerns about the proposed plans submitted to demolish the bungalow known as Mole End and to replace it with a two-storey house.
Concern was expressed at the scale of the proposed house, its height and proximity to an electricity board transformer.
The sight-lines and its deleterious effect on the street scene from the North and East aspects were to be relayed to Cllr Patrick Burridge (our EHDC Councillor and Chair of the Planning Committee).

Council was given an update on the repairs to the Village Hall and progress by Massey's Folly Preservation Trust. Council voted to support the Hall by donating a further sum of £2,500.00.

Worries about the parking outside Bahnstormer Motor-cycles were expressed and the Clerk was instructed to raise these as a formal objection with the Head of Planning at EHDC.

Recent planning matters were aired and the Clerk was to write to Charles Church at the poor state left following removal of their Sales Office.

Council voted to adopt the new Code of Conduct required by the Standards Commission.

Mike Findlay, Parish Clerk
