Held on 3rd July 2007
Mole End (Bowyers) Planning Application
Council heard a presentation from applicants seeking to enlarge the bungalow in Crows Lane now known as Moles End. Several neighbours raised objections to the loss of yet another bungalow in the village and concerns about loss of privacy and failure to comply with the spirit of the Village Design Statement were raised. Council awaited submission of the whole revised plans.
PC Colin Grey (our temporary deputy Beat Officer during PC Simon Dear's convalescence) reassured the meeting that the recent break-ins to properties in the village were being actively pursued by Hampshire Constabulary's Burglary Squad, and that two instances of vandalism were also under investigation. The meeting was reminded that a high risk of terrorism existed and that all residents should remain extra-vigilant.
Farringdon Improvement Group
The achievements of Farringdon Improvement Group over the past two years were given and its continuance welcomed by EHDC, with whom FIG work closely.
Shirnall Meadows
The development of the recreational areas at Shirnall Meadow was discussed at length, and Council stated its commitment to installation of a top-quality, state-of-the-art children's playground. The finances for this were also discussed; the major part of the costs would be from developers' contributions, and EHDC would be made aware of this. Concern was expressed (again) that Charles Church Ltd. had not adequately tackled the tendency of the areas to flood and that the upper area had not yet been seeded. Additionally the culvert had not been made safe.
Village Hall /Massey's Folly
Council was told that the Village Hall had undergone an excellent and detailed survey, a copy of which was awaited. This identified the extent of the damage (due to design flaws in the construction of the building) - notably damp penetration, former worm infestation of the beams and vertical and horizontal cracks to the brickwork on the south aspect of the Hall. It was hoped that a practical short-term remedy would be identified to allow re-opening of the Hall for use in the near future. Meanwhile, First Friends nursery school was to rent rooms from the Trust and would additionally rent the kitchen facilities from the Hall. It was understood that a loan had been secured (on preferential terms) to allow Massey's Folly Preservation Trust to acquire the other half of the Folly from the Trustee owners.
Various planning applications (and Council's responses) since the last meeting were reported.
The Clerk raised
matters of correspondence requiring his action; also he had attended an NFU
meeting regarding fly-tipping on behalf of the Council.
Mike Findlay, Parish