Held on 6 September 2006
Council initially heard from residents concerned about an application to convert a bungalow, Bowyers, Crows Lane to a two-storey building, and thus losing a further bungalow to conversion. This would also, they said, adversely affect the street scene of Crows Lane from the north, east and west aspects. There was support for this from residents in Church Road, who had recently successfully convinced the Planning Committee to object to a similar proposal for a building in Church Road. Later, in Council, the matter was further discussed and the Parish Council agreed to support these objections, having agreed that the proposed development was an overt-development of a small plot, was out of character and would adversely affect the easterly aspect of the village.
Council also discussed
the imminent development of the Shirnall Meadow children's play area and the
recreation area (kick-around area). Cllr Taylor was asked to include in his
remit costings for netting to separate the area from the A32 to ensure safety
of users of the ground. Council was concerned to learn that HCC, with the agreement
of Downlands, planned to remove hedging in front of the Chase View houses and
parking area, and to replace these with low fencing to improve visibility for
vehicles entering and leaving Shirnall Meadows. Proposals to include the entire
upper part of the village in the conservation area would be made when the matters
are reviewed by EHDC in 2007/8.
Council was concerned
about the withdrawal of the regular bus service to the village; it was hoped
that the replacement car sharing scheme would prove adequate.
The Planning Sub-committee
reported on objections raised to the proposed building of 6 houses on the Farringdon
Industrial Estate and to the building of two houses on the site of Wilverlyn,
Brightstone Lane.
Council learnt
that the Farringdon Fun Day was a great success; while it was too early to give
a final figure, it was hoped that funds in the region of £5,000.00 might
be realistic. The Massey's Folly Preservation Trust were in the process of negotiating
for the purchase of the remainder of the Folly. There appeared to be some discrepancies
relating to the 1960 Discretionary Trust [which showed the Custodian Trustees
to be the registered owners of the Village Hall] and the new Constitution of
the Village Hall Management Committee. The Chairman awaited a definitive answer
from the Charity Commission and would progress this with the Chair of the VHMC
to a satisfactory conclusion.
It was also agreed
that, funds permitting, the children's playground at Parsonage Close should
be up-graded and fenced to prevent access by dogs.
Mike Findlay, Parish