Held on 7 September 2005

The preliminary business was devoted to hearing the views of a deputation of residents strongly opposed to a planning application to develop a loft conversion in a bungalow in Church Road. These views would form an attachment (to the EHDC Planning Department) to the opposition to this development already lodged with EHDC by the Planning Sub-committee of the Parish Council.

It was reported that the early stages of the Chase Field/Maplecombe development was well under way and in the absence of the Chairman, the Clerk was to clarify some points regarding drainage with the developers. The Clerk would also iterate the Council's views at a hearing of the North Planning Committee regarding the application to develop the other half of Massey's Folly.

Cllr Williams detailed the response of the Council to the 9 applications made since the last meeting.
Cllr Wagland gave the reasons for an apparent hiatus in the activities of Farringdon Improvement Group; two prime EHDC employees, who had been recently appointed would meet with her and Mike Findlay and the outcome of this meeting would be reported at the next meeting of FIG (the AGM) in October.

The meeting concluded with a number of village matters to be taken up with the appropriate authorities, including the state of the road surface in Crows Lane, fly tipping in Gaston Lane and general lack of maintenance in Brightstone Lane, and to some footpaths in the Parish.

An appeal for financial support for the Chawton School Support Group would be heard at a presentation to the next meeting of the Parish Council on 2 November.

Mike Findlay, Parish Clerk
