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7th July 2004


There was considerable discussion about the proposal from the owners of the "other half" of Massey's Folly to convert their half to living accommodation. Keith Haskell (Chairman) agreed to draft a letter on behalf of the Parish Council and village residents' views to the Trust stating that the proposals were received "without enthusiasm" due to possible conflicts of interest between hirers of the village hall and close residents, and, while awaiting more detailed plans, and reminding the Trust of their agreed obligations towards absorbing most of the costs of dividing the building and other miscellaneous points connected with this.


No word had been received regarding the Public Enquiry about the future of Chase Field development, nor the Mill site.

The Council was told that, after further investigation, a possible problem arising from burial of cattle remains to developing ground opposite Jordans on Shirnall Hill had been withdrawn.

If established, the South Downs National Park, it was hoped, would leave primary authority for planning decisions with EHDC and adequate representation on the SDNP Authority by small parishes.

 Local planning application matters and tree felling were reported, and Nadya Wagland reported on the establishment of the new Farringdon Rural Safety Initiative - now called Farringdon Improvement Group (see below).


Based on a most successful scheme pioneered by West Mercia Police - called the Rural Safety Initiative, Farringdon has been selected as one of only two pilot schemes within the EHDC area. Initial funding for this, and co-ordination, will be by the District Council.

In effect, this is a self-help group tasked with identifying problem areas within our village [not all criminal] and attempting, with a multiple agency approach through EHDC, to resolve these - over a period of time - on a no-cost or low-cost basis.
Already established, and comprising some 10 members (including the Village Beat Officer, and representatives from the Parish Council, Neighbourhood Watch, Drum Housing Association and residents) and with power to co-opt others, FIG has already identified 'hot spots' from reported crime over the past two years.

However, to make the list of "wants" as comprehensive as possible, a questionnaire will be circulated in the near future to every household in the village asking about their concerns or worries, and this will cover a very wide range of topics, from bus services to lack of facilities in the village. From the responses to this, FIG will identify problem areas and prioritise these for action with our numerous 'partners' who are the outside agencies who have pledged support.

The mission statement and constitution of the Group will be publicised as soon as it is agreed (meeting 21 July in the Village Hall) - all Farringdon residents are welcome to attend this, and subsequent meetings.

The development of this initiative is hoped, in the medium- to long-term, to make Farringdon a better place to live in for all.

Mike Findlay
Parish Clerk



1st September

3rd November


5th January

2nd March

4th May (AGM)

Village Meeting 6 or 13 April 2005 - to be finalised

