3rd September 2003Much of the discussion took place regarding planning matters.
The exceptional legal requirements in transferring rights of ownership to the Parish Council has taken considerably longer than was envisaged; all was now set for the plans of the agreed division (of Massey's Folly)to be lodged with EHDC. However, allowing for the time taken to approve the alterations and the availability of contractors, it was feared that the work could not be completed in time for the opening of the proposed full day nursery, First Friends, in early January 2004. Cllr Williams would continue to keep the Nursery proprietor informed and to discuss alternatives available. Grant applications for the alterations have already been applied for.
Re Chase Field, the Council was told that, following the site meeting, the proposal had been discussed and approved by the EHDC Planning Committee. This was considered a "special case" and must be referred to the Government Planning Office for the South East for clearance. [Subsequent to the meeting, it was learned that this agency was to insist on a Public Enquiry be held to decide on the proposals. Full input from the Parish and District Councils would, of course, be submitted] The Council heard that a formal proposal had been received from the planners for a lump sum to be given to the Parish to cover maintenance of the play/kick-about areas for a minimum of 12 years.
Problems had been encountered in the plans to open a village shop/post office in the Royal Oak buildings, and a questionnaire would be circulated to all residents of the village to strengthen, hopefully, this proposal.
Several matters regarding planning permission and tree/hedge problems were discussed. It was feared that the oak sapling presented to the village to commemorate the Queen's Golden Jubilee had perished in the near-drought conditions prevailing since it was planted. A replacement tree would be sourced.
The Council was pleased to welcome the Chawton playgroup for a two month's stay in the Folly while the Chawton Village Hall is renovated.
The Clerk was instructed to push for activity on traffic-calming measures promised for the A32.
The next meeting of Farringdon Parish Council would be on Wednesday 5 November 2003, in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm.
Mike Findlay, Clerk to the Parish Council