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7th May 2003

 Cllr Haskell briefly described the background and option facing the Council regarding the continuance of the Village Hall at Massey's Folly. He then put it to the vote, which was unanimous (26 for, none against, no abstentions) empowering the Parish Council to handle all negotiations and decisions regarding the re-division of the property.

  Cllr Haskell was re-elected without opposition, as Chairman, and Cllr Wagland as Deputy Chair. Newly elected Councillor Chris Taylor was welcomed, and the various representatives were appointed.

  A revised Council List will appear shortly on the website,
village notice-boards and welcome packs (which are being updated).

 The Chairman reported on the various complexities involving the division of the Folly - namely approval of the Charity Commission (successors to the Department of Education, representing the defunct Farringdon Educational Trust), the Land Registry and sources of funding (EHDC, HCC).

 It was clarified that the costs of the re-division would be borne by the Trust, and the costs of reorganisation of the car parking, kitchen and services would be the responsibility of the VHMC. Council voted a grant of £5,000 towards this, and Cllr Haskell would write a letter indicating this support to facilitate approaches for funding from other quarters. It was suggested that the land telephone link installed for the Nursery School should be transferred to the Clerk's Office when relocated.

 Regarding the Chase Field site and associated development, Cllrs Haskell and Williams would compose a letter to the Planning Department at EHDC to reflect the various points raised at the Village Meeting and concerns expressed by the Parish Council.

 The Clerk was directed to write to the owners of SPC and speak to the PC Dear about frequent dangerous parking outside the motorcycle showrooms. He would also write to EHDC Dog Wardens and Drum Housing regarding persistent dog fouling in the Close and children's play area and tackle reportedly "dumped" cars and inconsiderate parking in the close with PC Dear.

 Cllr Charrington gave a financial report. Given out-goings, the balances were £5,200 in current account and £11,500 in capital reserve.

  Cllr Williams reported only on one application received from Bramblings, Crows Lane for an attic extension, and Cllr Watts reported on the proposed felling of a willow tree at The Harte in The Street.

   Cutting back of overgrown hedges impinging on the footpath around Farringdon Hurst would be brought to the attention of the owners for action.

 Cllr Charrington reported on replacement of finger posts around Farringdon and that these would be replaced and footpaths reinstated when work is finished in Brightstone Lane.

  Cllr Edwards reported on a meeting of EHAP which dealt with rights of way and travellers.

  Cllr Etherington raised concerns about access to the Mill Site via Brightstone Lane, though these might prove to have been superseded. He also reported that resurfacing of Brightstone Lane was not envisaged currently.

 Cllr Taylor stated that the profit from the Jubilee Fete (£400) should be spent on a bench to be sited near the Church. He was advised that the approach be made direct to the PCC.
