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Wednesday 4th March 2003

    It was reported that Village Design Statement was progressing well and that 3 of the 7 sections were nearing completion. The financial backing from various bodies had been achieved and the VDS would be aired at the Annual Village Meeting ( Wednesday 30 April) for views from the villagers.

  The Village Flood Plan had been completed and distributed to homes considered at risk from flooding; two telephone numbers had to be checked.

  Then followed a lengthy discussion following the Extraordinary Village Meeting held on 28 February about the future of Chase Field and the proposed development of the site above it.

  Also relating to the EVM and the discussions about the future of the Village Hall in Massey's Folly, it was understood that the agency acting for the Trust (co-owner of the Folly) had agreed to draw up plans on the agreed re-division of the property free of charge. The costs of the re-division to the Parish Council would be substantial but possible grants from EHDC, HCC and the Lottery Fund might supplement the reserves from the Village Hall Committee and the Parish Council; however, some fundraising efforts within the village may be required before work is started.

  A meeting between the Village Hall Committee, Parish council and solicitors was to be set up to discuss various documents (i.e. deeds, constitution) and to discuss the possibility of the Village Hall being leased from the Parish (as owners), a minimum of 21 years being suggested as this helps in grants provision.

  Cllr Edwards agreed to handle various enquiries raised - with the Land Registry as to the ownership of the land on which the Folly stands, and other sources of grants for a listed building and folly. Some felt that this was an ideal opportunity for the re-starting of the village school in the Trust's half of the building.

  Regarding the forthcoming Parish Council election, the Chairman was pleased to report that no current Councillor had intimated standing down from re-election.
