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2nd July 2003

  Cllr Patrick Burridge was welcomed to the meeting as our new EHDC District Councillor. He said he was only too aware that he was stepping into the shoes of a very worthy person, as Tony Ludlow's successor. Patrick is chairman of the North-West Planning Committee.

  In response to a question, it was agreed that a Declaration of Interests be included formally on future agendas, though there had been no problems previously with such specific interests being declared (and minuted) as individual items were raised.

Massey's Folly.

  The meeting learned that all land previously owned by the School Trust had been transferred to the Parish Council and the Andreae Trust. The Charity Commission, acting for the defunct School Trust, required a formal valuation of the whole property and land to be transferred to the co-owners, and this had been done. It was hoped that a new nursery school/crèche would open in the Hall in January 2004, serving a need for 8.30 - 6.00 for five days per week. In the meantime, the Chawton Nursery school would transfer to Farringdon while various works take place on the Chawton Village Hall during the late summer.

Maplecombe Development.

  The Chairman, Clerk and Cllr Williams had attended a site meeting with the EHDC Planning Committee together with other villagers and representatives, during which many valid points were made and noted by the Committee. The developers have taken due note of points previously raised in discussions regarding the type, sizes and designs of housing on the site, including the pressing need for affordable housing within the village. It was felt by all that the removal of the Chase Field houses would be highly beneficial to the village. Cllr Burridge affirmed that all submissions from the Parish Council were valued, irrespective of the signatory.

Planning Sub-committee

  It was noted that no objections had been raised by the PC to applications at Bramblings or Street Farm House. Four Winds had now been demolished, and the Sub-committee would closely monitor the building on that site. There had been no developments on the Mill Site, and Cllr Burridge explained that the awaited Development Brief from EHDC had been delayed pending the expected public enquiry into the 'local plan' which will be considered by the NW Community Council. At the very earliest, the development brief would not be available until March 2004.


  Tim Charrington had spoken to EHDC Footpaths Officer about overgrown footpaths and obstructions on specific footpaths were brought to the attention of the meeting.

Other matters

  Improvements in Brightstone Lane were approved, though specific works had not been undertaken and the Clerk was charged to progress these, together with continuing problems associated with dogs, vehicles and 'road rage' incidents associated with Parsonage Close.

The use of houses for commercial purposes was also raised, and this would be monitored.

Farringdon made a presentation to Calor Hampshire Village of the Year, having been short-listed. The result is awaited.

Mike Findlay
Clerk to the Council.
