Farringdon Parish Council Meeting 3rd July 2002
At a recent site meeting, it had been agreed with Hampshire County Council that the proposed pedestrian refuge at the A32 crossroads would be shelved in favour of more effective traffic-calming measures on the A32 through the village – particularly north-bound.
Dogs straying in the vicinity of Parsonage Close had been taken up with EHDC’s Dog Warden, and it was understood that one male dog had been re-homed. However, a bitch had produced a litter of pups and the Dog Warden would keep the matter under review to press for neutering of the bitch and impress on the owners of the pups their responsibilities.
The accumulation of rubbish in the children’s playground was discussed and Council agreed that regular inspections had to be made to ensure compliance with Health and Safety regulations must be undertaken.
There was positive progress reported on the possible setting up of a village shop in part of the Royal Oak PH.
Concern was expressed about the poor maintenance of the Chase Field site and the presence of rats was noted. EHDC and Downlands to be informed of concerns.
A meeting between Council representatives and the Trustees of the Late Tim Andreae had taken place; both the flying freeholds and insurance remained unresolved but these would receive the urgent attention of the Chairman and Council representatives.
Now that the whole village was to be included in the proposed South Downs National Park, concerns only remained about the relationship between SDNP and EHDC regarding planning permission and local representation on the NP Authority.
The Clerk was directed to contact householders in two areas of the village regarding the lack of attention to overhanging trees and shrubs which were preventing free use of footpaths.
Farringdon is to progress the origination and publication of a Design Statement which would cover every aspect of living in the village and would include such subject as building materials, conformation with building proposals, traffic, woodlands, and care for the environment and wildlife.
Open spaces – among other subject discussed, Council agreed at their next meeting to discuss provision of a new litter bin at the children’s playground.
Attention was drawn to the poor state of the Parish notice-board outside the old Post Office. Council would decide on various costings at their next meeting.
Council welcomed a report received that Neighbourhood Watch is thriving in Farringdon. However, volunteer co-ordinators were urgently required for Church Road, Crows Lane, Shirnall Hill and Lower Farringdon.
Council was concerned to hear several reports about excessive speeds through the village by scramble bikes and one particular car (not a Farringdon resident); everyone was strongly advised to report such incidents direct to the police, together with registration details.
The Council had been advised by EHDC that no election was required to fill the vacancy of one Councillor. In a closed session, Mrs Nadya Wagland was co-opted unanimously.